Bài đăng phổ biến

Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 12, 2015

Cashew Association Targets N80bn From Cashew Export In 2016 Thu Dec 31, 2015

The National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN) said on Thursday that it hoped to generate about N80 billion from cashew export in 2016.
Mr Sotonye Anga, the spokesman for the association, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on the sideline of the 2nd Annual Cashew Logistics Meeting in Lagos.

Shipping companies also attended the conference. Anga noted that shipping lines had recognised cashew as revenue generating cash crop and contributor to the country’s economy.
According to him, shipping companies account for more than 80 per cent of exported cargoes from Nigeria.

“There is need for improvement in the handling of cashew which will propel significant improvement in the country’s economic performance. “Shipping lines have recognised the economic relevance of cashew and that is why you can see their chief executives and decision makers represented at this meeting.

“The meeting will afford the association opportunity to take steps to advance Nigeria’s cashew export to destinations like India, Vietnam, China, Middle East, Europe, U.S. and others. “We expect that Nigeria should generate about N80 billion from cashew export in 2016 season and trade in a manner that will impact on the value chain.

Anga said the association believed in strong bond between NCAN and the shipping lines. He promised:“We will leverage on this relationship to ensure that 2016 cashew exports is hitch-free.

“We will have zero claims because of damages to cashew cargo when containers are well dressed with adequate number of desiccants and kraft papers.’’ Mrs Maureen Okojie, the Export Manager of Safmarine, said decisions on shipping services were time bound.

She stressed the need to look at shipment schedule between February and July 2016 for cashew shipments. An official of COSCO Shipping Company, Paulinius Effiong, advised forwarding agents to reject containers with holes.

Meanwhile, Mr Tola Faseru, the President of NCAN, has inaugurated two committees to ensure a hitch-free 2016 cashew season. Faseru named the committees as the Cashew Logistics Committee and the Cashew Improvement Committee.

The committees are saddled with the responsibility of implementing programmes for the 2016 season. NAN reports that cashew shipping companies, exporters, forwarders and shipping lines including Hull byth, Safmarine, Maersk, PIL, CMA CGM, United Arab Shipping Company and COSCO were represented at the meeting.

Source: http://leadership.ng

Xuất khẩu điều của Ấn Độ giảm sâu do chi phí chế biến tăng và trợ cấp xuất khẩu giảm

(17/12/2015) Xuất khẩu điều của Ấn Độ giảm sâu do chi phí chế biến tăng và trợ cấp xuất khẩu giảm
(Kochi - Ấn Độ) Ngành điều Ấn Độ đang trải quan một năm 2015 đầy sóng gió khi giá điều thô nhập khẩu tăng, trợ cấp xuất khẩu giảm và chi phí nhân công tăng. Kết quả là tháng 11/ 2015 xuất khẩu điều nhân đã giảm 37% về lượng và giảm 31% về giá trị so với cùng kỳ năm trước.
Theo số liệu thống kê của Hội đồng Xúc tiến Xuất khẩu điều Ấn Độ (CEPCI), xuất khẩu điều nhân của Ấn Độ tháng 11/ 2015 đạt 7.045 tấn và kim ngạch xuất khẩu đạt khoảng 54,87 triệu USD. Tính chung 8 tháng đầu năm tài chính 2015 của Ấn Độ (từ tháng 4 – 11/ 2015), Ấn Độ đã xuất khẩu được 64.220 tấn điều nhân các loại với kim ngạch xuất khẩu 492,34 triệu USD, giảm 18% về lượng và 8% về trị giá so với 8 tháng đầu năm 2014.
Tại Ấn Độ, khoảng 85% số lượng điều nhân xuất khẩu được chế biến tại các nhà máy ở Kollam, Kerala. Các cơ sở chế biến điều ở những bang khác chủ yếu tập trung bán cho thị trường nội địa. Khi nhu cầu chế biến điều trong nước tăng, giá điều thô nhập khẩu cũng “tát nước theo mưa” và hiện đã chạm mức 1.750 USD cho mỗi tấn điều thô (nguyên liệu chất lượng cao).
"Chi phí hạt thô quá cao và lương nhân công tăng 35% ở Kerala đã dẫn đến việc đóng cửa nhiều nhà máy chế biến điều ở Kerala. Trong số 750 cơ sở chế biến điều trước kia nay thực tế chỉ còn 100 cơ sở còn hoạt động. Đây là kết quả tất yếu dẫn đến xuất khẩu giảm", P Somarajan, Giám Đốc Công ty xuất khẩu hạt điều Kailas, một cơ sở chế biến điều tại Ấn Độ cho biết.
Chi phí nguyên liệu và tiền lương tăng làm cho chi phí chế biến tăng lên đáng kể. "Thậm chí nếu giá nhân xuất khẩu ổn định ở mức 3,50 - 3,60 USD/ Lb thì các nhà xuất khẩu điều của Ấn Độ vẫn bị lỗ" ông quả quyết.
Trợ cấp xuất khẩu (export incentive) của Ấn Độ đã cắt giảm từ 5% xuống còn 2% cuối cùng cũng được điều chỉnh lên 3% vào tháng trước. Tuy nhiên, các nhà xuất khẩu không quá vui mừng vì theo họ, nó đã được “trung hòa” bởi giá điều thô tăng quá cao.
Kim ngạch xuất khẩu điều nhân của Ấn Độ đã chạm mức kỷ lục 840 triệu USD trong năm tài khóa 2014 – 2015 và nhiều khả năng năm nay sản lượng điều nhân xuất khẩu của Ấn Độ tháng cuối năm sẽ giảm mạnh vì giá điều thô theo đánh giá chỉ có thể hạ nhiệt vào tháng 3 – tháng 4/ 2016 khi mùa vụ điều thô 2016 của Bờ Biển Ngà và Ghana (Tây Phi) chính thức bắt đầu.
Nguồn: India Economic Times
Dịch bởi Hoài Thu
Bản gốc (tiếng Anh): http://goo.gl/BVkeJT

Khách hàng Mỹ yêu cầu Bộ Nông nghiệp Mỹ tăng cường kiểm soát chất lượng của từng cơ sở chế biến hạt và nông sản nhập khẩu vào Mỹ

(30/12/2015) Khách hàng Mỹ yêu cầu Bộ Nông nghiệp Mỹ tăng cường kiểm soát chất lượng của từng cơ sở chế biến hạt và nông sản nhập khẩu vào Mỹ
Báo cáo thường niên 2015 của Hiệp hội Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Hoa Kỳ (AFI) – ngành hạt và nông sản Mỹ đã cho thấy sự quan tâm và quan ngại sâu sắc của khách hàng Mỹ về các vấn đề chất lượng, an toàn vệ sinh thực phẩm của các sản phẩm nhập khẩu vào thị trường Mỹ thời gian qua, đặc biệt là hạt phỉ (hazelnut) – mặt hàng không thuộc phạm vi phải giám sát chất lượng của Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ trong hơn 1 năm qua.
AFI kêu gọi Chính Phủ Mỹ ban hành những quy tắc cuối cùng (Final rules) để thực thi Bộ luật hiện đại hóa an toàn thực phẩm Mỹ (FSMA), trong đó nhấn mạnh về việc kiểm soát chất lượng của từng “cơ sở chế biến” (chứ không phải chỉ kiểm soát “công ty”).
AFI đề nghị mọi lô hàng hạt hay nông sản nhập khẩu vào thị trường Mỹ phải kiểm tra và giám sát chất lượng, tăng cường truy xuất nguồn gốc.
AFI quan tâm về các vấn đề liên quan đến các tranh chấp thương mại và trọng tài và đánh giá cao sự hợp tác với các tổ chức quốc tế trong thời gian qua, gồm có VINACAS của Việt Nam đã giúp thông tin rộng rãi tới các doanh nghiệp trong ngành về FSMA và những quy định nhập khẩu và chất lượng của thị trường Mỹ.
Trí Trường
Trích Bản tin VINACAS ngày 30/12/2015

Cashew exports decline, raw nut imports rise December 29, 2015 (INDIA)

Exports of cashew continued their downward spiral so far during the current fiscal, while imports of raw cashew nuts (RCN) have shown an increase.

Total exports during April-November 2015 stood at 64,220 tonnes valued at ₹3,248.32 crore at a unit value of ₹505.81 a kg. Whereas, during the corresponding period last year total shipments stood at 78,715 tonnes valued at ₹3,522.57 crore at a unit value of ₹447.50 a kg.At the same time, imports of RCN increased to 8,12,047 tonnes valued at ₹6,977.44 crore during the first eight months of the current financial from 7,91,245 tonnes valued at ₹5,311.62 crore in the same period the previous fiscal.The unit value also showed a rise to ₹85.92 a kg from ₹67.13. Exports of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid/Cardanol during the current fiscal rose to 7,653 tonnes valued at ₹40.88 crore from 6,944 tonnes valued at ₹32.29 crore. Unit value realisation stood at ₹53.42/kg (₹46.50), according to Sasi Varma, Executive Director and Secretary, Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI).“Nearly 50 per cent of the factories in the organised sector continued to remain closed from April 1, following substantial hike in the wages by the state government and high raw nut prices. As a result, exports continued to decline, adversely affecting the industry on the export front,” Sundaran Prabha, Chairman, CEPCI, told BusinessLine.However, good persisting domestic demand, he said, is presently supporting the industry but how long it will sustain cannot be predicted, he said.

Source: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com

Nigeria earns $250m from cashew exports yearly – exporters

December 30, 2015

The President of the National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN), Mr. Tola Faseru has said that Nigeria’s cashew export is worth $250 million yearly. Faseru said in Lagos on Tuesday that the average export price was on the increase yearly with increased demand coming from consuming nations.

According to him, Vietnam and India are Nigeria’s largest buyers. He explained that globally, stocks of nuts, including cashew in North America and Europe had been low, while global demand had increased. “This offers good prospects for Nigeria’s cashew industry this year,” he said, adding that the industry is expected to earn $250 million from export of 180,000 tonnes of cashew nut.

He noted that global demand for cashew nut is expected to rise and urged exporters to pay more attention to improving the product quality to enhance export. Faseru said the industry was aiming to increase cashew cultivation area nationwide and produce 500,000 tonnes by 2020. He said the association was working with farmers and the government to develop cashew growing areas and giving technical support to farmers to help them increase profits.

Source: en.starafrica.com

Nigeria Targets $700m Annual Income From Cashew Export

December 31, 2015

The country is targeting an annual income of over $700m (N138bn) from the export of cashew nuts by the year 2020. The National President, National Cashew Association of Nigeria, Mr. Tola Faseru, who disclosed the figure at this year’s annual cashew logistics meeting, noted that the government and all stakeholders in the cashew value chain were making efforts to raise the production from the current 180,000 metric tonnes yearly to 500,000 metric tonnes by 2020.

Faseru added that the meeting, which had in attendance exporters, shipping companies and freight forwarders, was aimed at addressing all the challenges that cashew export faced in 2015 and prepare for the next season, which starts in February, in order to pave the way for a hitch-free export process.

According to the NCAN president, Nigeria will export 6,400 40-feet containers of cashew monthly in 2016, adding that the aim was to increase these to 20,000 40-feet containers by 2020.

“Cashew is Nigeria’s second largest non-oil foreign exchange earner, with a production volume of 180,000MT and an annual income of $250m. The crop has been earmarked as one of the five agro-industrial products among 13 products for diversification and it accounts for 200,000 jobs,” Faseru said.

He added that 85 per cent of Nigeria’s cashew was currently being exported to Vietnam and India, while the country was also exploring the market for cashew kernel, shell and liquid exports.


2015 AFI U.S. Food Import Industry Annual Report Wednesday, December 30, 2015

President's Report

Bob Bauer
Association of Food Industries, Inc.

Tick, tick, tick. Some of you reading this probably thought of a time bomb. While that can be true for some people for the subject I’m going to cover, for most the tick, tick, tick simply is a reminder that the clock continues to move – toward FSMA implementation.

Final rules to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act will be released beginning in the summer of 2015. Tick, tick, tick. If your company has paid attention to what was in the proposed rules and taken steps to address those requirements, the ticking is just the clock in the background. Keep being proactive; keep protecting yourself. We don’t expect many changes in the final rules, so the work you’ve done to date puts you ahead of the game. The final rules won’t go into effect immediately; there will be a phase in time of one to two years in most cases, depending on the size of the company. Though that ticking noise may seem to get a little louder at times, you can keep it as background noise with continued compliance efforts. Don’t let the length of that implementation time fool you. It’s not as long as it sounds and stopping efforts aimed at ensuring compliance will only make the ticking sound louder at some point down the road.

The time bomb scenario comes into play for those who have not paid attention to the proposed FSMA requirements and/or have not taken steps to ensure compliance. As the guys on the late-night TV infomercials say, Act Now! Don’t Delay!

Again, we don’t expect a lot of changes from the proposed to the final versions of the rules. So for those who are saying, “we’re waiting until the final rules are published”, bad move. I doubt there’s a company on the planet that has or will put together a preventive controls plan with no required changes. So why put off 100 percent of the initial work for the possibility that rule changes will impact 5 percent of the plan? Putting things off until the final rules are published leaves you that much less time to make any required changes to your plan.

The “plan” is foundation upon what FSMA is built. It refers to a preventive control plan. Every U.S. facility is required to have a preventive control plan in place that identifies all potential food safety hazards, outlines steps to address those hazards and spells out how the plan will be monitored and verified. FDA can’t directly require foreign facilities to meet these requirements, so the law requires the U.S. importer to be able to ensure the food being imported by the company meets or exceeds the requirements U.S. producers must meet. Therefore, FSMA requires importers to have the preventive control plans for every facility from which it imports.

So what steps should people be taking?

Foreign exporters shipping to the U.S.: Design your preventive controls plan. Most companies have such a plan in place but it’s called by a different name. Many people are concerned that although they have a plan in place to meet requirements in the European Union or someplace else, the certifications, etc. are not recognized in the U.S. A key thing to keep in mind is that the plan has to ensure the food is safely prepared; the law does not spell out what certifications are accepted. So a plan a company has in place for the EU, for example, could very well meet most or all of the FSMA requirements.

Here’s a step to take that not only protects you but sends a strong statement about your commitments to quality and the U.S. market – ask your U.S. customers for a date by which they want to receive your preventive control plans. Not only does it show you’re being proactive, it can give you an idea of how much the customer knows about FSMA regulations. This is important because an importer’s failure to have sufficient plans from each of its customers could lead to FDA halting that company’s operations. You want to work with progressive companies that take the steps needed to protect themselves and you.

U.S. importers: Request preventive control plans from every facility from which you import. Remember, this is facility-specific, not company-specific. So if you import from a company with more than one facility, get the preventive control plans from all of the facilities producing product you sell. It’s not enough just to get the plans. You need to review them because if a problem arises, the importer is ultimately responsible. Since some of your suppliers will need time to develop/adjust their plans, request this information as soon as possible.

The relationship between U.S. importers and their foreign suppliers and the FSMA requirements that further connect them are so important there are two articles elsewhere in this publication by attorneys at two leading law firms that cover the topic. Though the perspective in the articles and the report you’re reading now are all a little different, one message is the same – don’t wait! Tick, tick, tick.


Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 12, 2015







Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 12, 2015

Adjusting forecasts that the Brazilian crop yields in 2015

Adjusting forecasts that the Brazilian crop production in 2015.

Brazil's statistics agency (IBGE) has lowered its forecast that the Brazilian production was 194 916 tons in 2015 crop year in the latest monthly report of the organization, down 10.41% compared with the previous forecast of 217 554 tons was .

But crude production forecast of Brazil's newest grew 80.96% compared to the 2014 crop year production (108 713 tons).

Source: https: //www.agra-net.com

Vietnam Cashew: 2 + 1 weak strong

According to the General Department of Customs, from January to date 15/11/2015, Vietnam has exported 287,201 tons of it, worth nearly $ 2.9 billion, forecast in 2015 exports that Vietnam will exceed $ 3 billion mark. (*)

Vietnam Cashew nuts have dominated the world market when over 50% of total global trade conditions. 2015 is also the 10th consecutive year Vietnam holds the world's No. 1 exporter of cashew nuts.

Besides the status of "king" in volume and value on the world market, Vietnam's industries also have different strengths: technology. Many years ago, enterprises (companies) Vietnam must spend tens, hundreds of billions of 100% imported machinery, processing technology from Chinese, Italian, Indian. Not to be outdone, overcome themselves, companies that have links with domestic engineering firms study successfully manufacture export processing machine, cost only 50 to 80% of imported machinery. Furthermore, the machine built by Vietnamese enterprises are not only not inferior to machines in the world nations, even more outstanding features, has helped significantly reduce costs, production costs, increase competitiveness in the market for Vietnamese cashew.
One thing to "score points" again: Many companies that Vietnam has been exporting machinery, processing technology, mainly to Africa. Even India - countries before exporting machinery to Vietnam-processing now also want to buy machinery, processing technology of Vietnam.

It is the second remarkable thing industry Vietnam: Leading the world in the export of products and technology export. However, besides, branch of Vietnam also survived one weakness - a big challenge for firms it.

For years, the Vietnam thing DN heavy dependence on imported raw material thing, synonymous with the region yet to make solid materials. According to the General Department of Customs, from January to date 11/15/2015 Vietnam must import up to 793,937 tonnes of which, worth 1.029 billion dollars, not small at all. Domestic source of raw materials that meet only 1/3 demand processing, export. Therefore, the issue of quality control, food safety of imported raw materials that can not be underestimated, unable to get out of hand.

In the future, most likely only one weakness would also "undermine" lot 2 Vietnam Cashew strengths, especially when the powers it has good material, with modern processing technology purchase The main businesses were from Vietnam.

Tran Phuong

Source: Industry and Trade

Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 11, 2015

Vietnam: Cashew firms urged to add value to products

HCMC – The Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) has called on local enterprises to add more value to their cashew products to help Vietnam stay on as the world’s biggest cashew nut exporter.

Vietnam has been the world’s No. 1 cashew nut exporter over the past 10 years but 90% of domestically-processed products are packaged nuts, Vinacas said at an international conference on cashew business in HCMC on Monday.

At the conference, representatives of cashew enterprises painted a bleak picture for cashew exporters, saying that if cashew products are not added with more value, export growth would be affected.

Vinacas said a number of local firms have invested in modern technology and machines to make more value-added cashew products for export and domestic consumption.

The change was seen through cashew products on show on the sidelines of the conference. Unlike in previous years in which companies mainly made salty and honey cashew nuts, the exhibits this year included wasabi- and chocolate-coated cashew nuts; cashew nut cakes, pizzas, banh tet (Vietnam’s cylindrical glutinous rice cake filled with green bean paste and pork) and other foods with cashew nuts.

Vinacas chairman Nguyen Duc Thanh called for cashew businesses to pay due attention to packaging and marketing if they want to attract more consumers on the domestic market.
Over the years, enterprises in the sector have centered more on export of packaged cashew nuts than domestic marketing. Therefore, they should draw up marketing and promotion strategies if they want to ramp up domestic sales.
A long return on investment is one of the hindrances to cashew enterprises that turn out value-added products for sale at local supermarkets and convenience stores. To cope with this, a number of producers have managed to boost exports to have funds for expanding domestic market share.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development expects value-added products will make up 20% of total processed cashew nuts, according to a master zoning development plan for the sector until 2020 with a vision towards 2030, approved by the ministry in February this year. The aim for 2030 will be 40-50%.

*** Vietnam earned US$1.97 billion from shipping abroad 272,000 tons of cashew nuts in the first 10 months this year, up 6% in volume and more than 18% in value, according to the ministry.
Dang Hoang Giang, vice chairman of Vinacas, said Vietnam’s cashew nut revenue is forecast to reach a record high of US$2.5 billion this year.
Vietnam has exported cashew nuts to 50 markets, according to Vinacas.

Source: http://vinacas.blogspot.in

International Conference which was 7 in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam- Thu Nov 26, 2015

In order to improve the quality of Vietnam's cashew opportunity of international integration, Vietnam Cashew Association in collaboration with the Department for Trade Promotion organized an international conference that Vietnam 7th HCMC.

Themed Vietnam's cashew industry towards cleaner production, this year's conference has attracted many leading food associations and countries of Vietnam enterprises operating in the field of growing and processing cashews . In the first 10 months of 2015 the export volume of Vietnam reached 272,000 tonnes Export turnover up to US $ 1.97 billion. 2015 is the 10th consecutive year that Vietnam holds industry leading position in the export of cashew kernels.

The conference showed growth oriented processing industry of Vietnam is greener and cleaner production, ensuring the high quality products, food safety and hygiene. The conference is one of the annual activities of the Vietnam Cashew Association Vinacas over 25 years of establishment and development, accompany and elevate the processing industry of Vietnam. In the framework of the conference, Vietnam association that organizes Vinacas galas and bilateral dialogue between enterprises of Vietnam thing and international, as well as development forums Vietnam Cashew.

Information Center

Source: HTV

11 months in 2015: The agricultural sector 6.26 billion trade surplus

Thu Nov 26, 2015

Cashew, cassava and cassava products are two commodities exports have continued to increase in the first 11 months of 2015.

According to MARD, exports of agricultural, forestry and fisheries in November 2015 is estimated at 2.57 billion dollars, 11 months export value of the sector reached 27.41 billion dollars, down 1.9% yoy year 2014.

In particular, the value of exports of major agricultural commodities estimated at 12.74 billion, down 4% compared to the same period of 2014, decreased very sharply in commodities such as coffee (30.2%), rubber (15.5%).

Accordingly, the volume of coffee exports in 11 months was estimated at 1.13 million tons with a total value of $ 2.3 billion, down 27.7% in volume and 30.2% in value over the same period 2014. Coffee export prices average 10 months to reach $ 2,032 / ton, down 2.6% compared with 2014. Germany and the United States continued to be the market two largest coffee consumption in Vietnam in 10 months in 2015 with a market share of 13.85% respectively and 11.56%. The value of coffee exports in the first 10 months in 10 key markets of Vietnam are lower than in the same period of 2014.

For rubber products, 11 months of the year exports totaled 983 thousand tons, valued at $ 1.35 billion, up 3.6% in volume but fell by 15.5% in value over the same period in 2014 . Price of rubber exported an average of 10 months to reach $ 1,401 / ton, down 18.7% from the same period in 2014.

Two staples like rice and fishery consecutive decrease from this year, in particular, exports of rice decreased by 4.9% compared to the same period of 2014, seafood export value in November was estimated at 593 million, bringing the export value last 11 months reached 6.01 billion US dollars, decreased to 16.4% compared to the same period in 2014.

Among agricultural commodities for export, cashew, cassava and cassava products are two commodities exports have continued to increase in the first 11 months of 2015.

Accordingly, the export volume of cashew nuts 11 months reached 300 thousand tons to 2.18 billion dollars, up 7.3% in volume and 19.2% in value over the same period of 2014. Prices county it exported an average of 10 months in 2015 $ 7,269 / ton, up 11.3% over the same period in 2014.

The volume of export of cassava and cassava products in the first 11 months of 3.67 million tons in 2015 worth US $ 1.18 billion, up 19.3% in volume and 15.6% in value same period of 2014. In the first 10 months of 2015, China remains the main import markets accounted for 89.14% market share, up 30.79% in volume and 26.4% in value over the same Any 2014.

According to MARD, the import value of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the May 11, 2015 was estimated at 21.15 billion dollars, up 6.9% over the same period of 2014. Thus, in 11 first months of 2015, the agricultural sector has surplus of 6.26 billion dollars.

Nguyen Hanh

Source: Industry and Trade

Vietnam Cashew nuts account for 50% of the world market

Mon Nov 23, 2015

On 23-11 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) in collaboration with Trade Promotion Agency (Ministry of Trade) organized an international conference that Vietnam themed " Vietnam's cashew industry towards cleaner production ".

The conference had over 300 participants that attended enterprises, of which 65% foreign enterprises from over 30 countries around the world.

Nguyen Duc Thanh, chairman VINACAS, said the first 10 months of 2015, export volume reached 272,000 individual tons with exports of 1.9 billion dollars, an increase of 6% in volume and over 18% in value over the same year 2014. By 2015, this sector will export $ 2.5b, of which $ 2.3 billion individual, the highest ever. In 2015, Vietnam continued to maintain a market share of over 50% of total global trade of cashew nuts ($ 5 billion) and was also the 10th consecutive year, branch of Vietnam keeps leading position on individual exporters.

According to Thanh, Vietnam is currently processing about 1.3 million tons of cashew / year, domestic supply was only 500,000 tons, 800,000 tons of cashew rest is imported from Africa and Cambodia. The quality of cashew nuts is the biggest concern of the exporters. Currently the export processing enterprises nut meet HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 1400, ISO 2200 and applied sciences investment of modern technology to improve the quality of cashew nuts, ensure safety food.

Quang Huy

Source: City Law. HCM

Vietnam Cashew become 'boss' world / Technology cashew processing VN throne

Thu Nov 26, 2015

If previously a machine peeled buy silk from Italy can cost up to 27,000 euros (nearly 650 million calculated at current exchange rates), the current enterprise (company) processing Vietnamese cashew exporters only have to spend 250 million copper by using domestic technology. Therefore most of the nut processing enterprises using domestic machinery production.

"Not only saving billions investment costs of machinery and equipment which it is arguable quality, technological machinery and Vietnam are efficiently and accurately is not inferior foreign goods" - Mr. Nguyen Xuan Khoi, Mold Machine Company Director Vietnam, members Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas), said confidently.

Reduce costs, increase competitiveness

Mr. Khoi said, export processing cashews nine stages are now eight stages using machines and equipment in the country.

This is completely different than 4-5 years ago. Meanwhile businesses that must import virtually 100% of machinery from China, Italy, India. There are machines imported from Italy worth more than 1 billion, purchased all nine stages, each business must put tens of billions, even hundreds of billions to large-scale companies.

To redress the machinery must depend exchange, businesses that have links with domestic engineering firms study successfully manufacture various types of machinery and equipment for the processing stages cashew exports. If the comparison of costs and prices of machinery Vietnam only 50% -80% of imported machinery.

"Many of the machines manufactured by Vietnamese enterprises may say well not worse than that of the world, even have some superior features than the modern machines of Italy, India. For example shellers our country silk ratio higher seed peeling, blowing cleaner machine imported from Italy. Mowers domestic cashew nut shell extract the highest percentage who achieved 90%, 10% is due to deformed nuts. Thus it can be said to reach 100% accuracy "- Mr. Khoi said.

Not only is the technology initiative, the investment cost of machinery, cashew enterprises also reduce labor costs. According to Mr. Gong, almost present the company's machines are automated, high precision should use very little labor. If previously required approximately 100 employees, with domestic machinery manufacturing labor just 20-30.

This helps reduce costs, reduce production costs, increase competitiveness in the market.

Exports of machinery "made in Vietnam"

Mr. Le Van Dat, Director of Gia Loi (Long An), said today that the sector companies are exporting to foreign countries all the machines have high accuracy as dryers, moisture meters, metal detectors, Color separation, separation particle size, sterilization, packaging of finished products.

In particular, many businesses are built cashew processing machines the products of high added value such as salted cashew nuts, it fried, snack ... export conditions. It is this increase the value of Vietnamese cashew nuts.

Nguyen Duc Thanh, chairman of the Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas), said there are now 10 member enterprises exporting machinery, equipment and offshore sectors thing. Mainly exported to Africa.

Notably, former Vietnam imports machinery from India, one of the countries with the advanced processing technology, but now it's back to buy machinery and Vietnam.

Vietnam is estimated that each year about 1.3 million tons of processed cashews. Vinacas said to technological development, increased competitiveness, the association with the Science and Technology Committee in connection with mechanical engineering enterprises, institutes, universities, research improvement of machinery, equipment, technology in cashew processing.

Vietnamese cashew nuts account for 50% of the world market

According to MARD, May 10, 2015, the export growth continued in the context of most major agricultural commodities in our country are declining.

Specifically, the number of individual exports totaled 272,000 tons with a turnover of close to $ 2 billion, up 6% in volume and 18% in value over the same period last year. The forecast of exports in 2015 will reach $ 2.5 billion, of which USD 2.3 billion people that is, the highest ever, continue debuted at number one in the world and accounts for 50% of world market share .


Source: City Law. HCM

Việt Nam trở thành 'ông trùm' hạt điều thế giới

Không chỉ đứng số một thế giới về sản lượng và giá trị xuất khẩu, ngành điều Việt Nam có thể nói là ngành hiếm hoi xuất khẩu công nghệ ra nước ngoài.
Nếu trước đây một cái máy bóc vỏ lụa mua từ Ý có giá tới 27.000 euro (gần 650 triệu đồng tính theo tỉ giá hiện nay) thì hiện nay doanh nghiệp (DN) chế biến xuất khẩu hạt điều Việt chỉ phải bỏ ra 250 triệu đồng do sử dụng công nghệ trong nước. Chính vì vậy hầu hết DN chế biến hạt điều đều sử dụng máy móc trong nước sản xuất.
“Không chỉ tiết kiệm được hàng tỉ đồng chi phí đầu tư máy móc, thiết bị mà điều đáng nói là chất lượng, công nghệ máy móc Việt Nam còn hiệu quả, chính xác không thua kém hàng ngoại” - ông Nguyễn Xuân Khôi, Giám đốc Công ty Khuôn máy Việt, hội viên Hiệp hội Điều Việt Nam (Vinacas), tự tin nói.
Giảm chi phí, tăng sức cạnh tranh
Ông Khôi cho biết thêm, ngành chế biến xuất khẩu hạt điều có chín công đoạn thì hiện nay tám công đoạn sử dụng máy móc, thiết bị trong nước.
Điều này hoàn toàn khác với cách đây 4-5 năm. Khi đó DN điều hầu như phải nhập khẩu 100% máy móc từ Trung Quốc, Ý, Ấn Độ. Có những loại máy nhập từ Ý giá hơn 1 tỉ đồng, sắm hết chín công đoạn, mỗi DN phải bỏ hàng chục tỉ, thậm chí hàng trăm tỉ đồng đối với những công ty quy mô lớn.
Để khắc phục tình trạng phải phụ thuộc máy móc ngoại, DN điều đã liên kết với các DN cơ khí trong nước nghiên cứu chế tạo thành công nhiều loại máy móc, thiết bị cho các công đoạn chế biến xuất khẩu hạt điều. Nếu so về giá thành, giá máy móc Việt Nam chỉ bằng 50%-80% giá máy móc nhập khẩu.
Công nghệ chế biến hạt điều Việt gây chú ý khách hàng nước ngoài. Ảnh: QUANG HUY
“Nhiều loại máy móc do DN Việt chế tạo có thể nói tốt không thua kém các nước trên thế giới, thậm chí có một số tính năng vượt trội hơn các máy móc hiện đại của Ý, Ấn Độ. Ví dụ như máy bóc vỏ lụa của nước ta tỉ lệ hạt tróc vỏ cao hơn, thổi sạch hơn máy nhập từ Ý. Máy cắt vỏ hạt điều trong nước độ bung nhân đạt tỉ lệ cao nhất 90%, 10% còn lại là do hạt điều bị dị dạng. Như vậy có thể nói đạt độ chính xác tới 100%” - ông Khôi khẳng định.
Không chỉ chủ động được công nghệ, tiết kiệm chi phí đầu tư máy móc, DN hạt điều còn giảm được chi phí nhân công. Theo ông Công, hầu như hiện nay các máy móc của công ty đều tự động hóa, độ chính xác cao nên sử dụng lao động rất ít. Nếu trước đây cần khoảng 100 lao động thì với máy móc trong nước sản xuất chỉ cần 20-30 lao động.
Điều này giúp giảm được nhiều chi phí, giảm được giá thành sản xuất, tăng sức cạnh tranh trên thị trường.
Xuất khẩu máy móc “made in VietNam”
Ông Lê Văn Đạt, Giám đốc Công ty Gia Lợi (Long An), nói hiện nay các DN ngành điều đang xuất khẩu ra nước ngoài cả những máy móc có độ chính xác cao như máy sấy, đo độ ẩm, dò kim loại, phân tách màu, phân tách cỡ hạt, khử trùng, đóng gói thành phẩm.
Đặc biệt, nhiều DN ngành điều còn chế tạo những máy móc chế biến ra những sản phẩm có giá trị gia tăng cao như hạt điều rang muối, điều chiên, điều snack… xuất khẩu. Chính điều này làm tăng giá trị của hạt điều Việt.
Ông Nguyễn Đức Thanh, Chủ tịch Hiệp hội Điều Việt Nam (Vinacas), cho biết hiện nay có khoảng 10 DN hội viên xuất khẩu được máy móc, thiết bị ngành điều ra nước ngoài. Chủ yếu xuất khẩu sang châu Phi.
Đáng chú ý, trước đây Việt Nam nhập khẩu máy móc từ Ấn Độ, một trong những nước có công nghệ chế biến điều tiên tiến nhưng giờ nước này lại đi mua máy móc của Việt Nam.
Uớc tính mỗi năm Việt Nam chế biến khoảng 1,3 triệu tấn hạt điều. Vinacas cho hay để phát triển công nghệ, tăng sức cạnh tranh, hiệp hội có Ban Khoa học công nghệ để liên kết với các DN ngành cơ khí, các viện, trường đại học nghiên cứu cải tiến máy móc, thiết bị, công nghệ trong chế biến hạt điều.
Hạt điều Việt chiếm 50% thị phần thế giới
Theo Bộ NN&PTNT, 10 tháng năm 2015, xuất khẩu điều tiếp tục tăng trưởng trong bối cảnh hầu hết mặt hàng nông sản chủ lực của nước ta đều giảm sút.
Cụ thể, số lượng nhân điều xuất khẩu đạt 272.000 tấn với kim ngạch gần 2 tỉ USD, tăng 6% về lượng và trên 18% về giá trị so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái. Dự báo năm 2015 xuất khẩu điều sẽ đạt 2,5 tỉ USD, trong đó nhân điều là 2,3 tỉ USD, cao nhất từ trước đến nay, tiếp tục đứng vị trí số một thế giới và chiếm 50% thị phần thế giới.

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 11, 2015

Mozambican increases cashew nut processing

Mohammed Yunus Abdul Gaffar, president of the Cashew Industry Association (Aicaju), said he expected the cashew campaign in Mozambique to be good this year, which was the basis for growth of the processing industry. Cashew processing companies are expected to process 41,500 tons of nuts by the end of the year, a 66 percent increase compared to the 25,000 tons processed in 2014.

The industrial cashew sector in Mozambique currently employs just over 12,000 workers, a number that is expected to increase in the near future with the entry into operation of new plants, according to daily newspaper Notícias. A new cashew processing factory will be inaugurated shortly in Nampula district and another is due to start operating in 2016 in the Liupo district.

There are currently 14 cashew processing factories operating in Mozambique, mostly in Nampula province, the country’s largest producer, with over 14 million cashew trees.

The goal for 2015/2016 is to sell 100,000 tons, against 80,000 ton the previous year.

Source: macauhub.com.mo

Yes, cashew nuts must be processed

The Acting Cashewnut Board Chairman, Mr Mudhihir Mudhihir, announced the good news on Monday, when addressing a press conference in Dar es Salaam on the sidelines of the Third International Cashew Conference (ICC).

Mr Mudhihir revealed that construction of the factories in Mtwara, Tunduru and Mkuranga were earlier planned to start last month, but due to some logistical constraints the projects have been delayed.

Construction of the three factories are expected to bring about tremendous change to the welfare of thousands of cashew growers in the country as well as providing jobs to several hundreds of thousands of people in the areas.

According to officials in the Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperatives and Marketing, the proposed factories are projected to absorb up to 80 per cent of cashew nut produced in the country. Most of the crop is currently exported raw to several Asian countries including India, where processing factories continue to offer jobs to thousands.

It is hoped that the proposed factories will bring to an end decades of the unfortunate scenario that saw Tanzania exporting jobs to Asian nations.

However, the processing factories should also be extended to other crops including cotton, coffee, oil seeds and fruit, which continue to be exported raw, much to the chagrin of millions of farmers. Tanzania has great potential in developing those crops and is among the leading producers on the African continent.

Tanzanians have for long been calling for establishment of processing factories and broad industrialisation programmes to accelerate poverty reduction. The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in its 2015-2020 Election Manufesto underlined that industrialisation and agro-based factories are among its priorities.

President John Pombe Magufuli is his campaign trail repeatedly declared that industrialisation was going to feature prominently in his development agenda. This is the time for action.

Source: http://www.dailynews.co.tz/index.php/editorial/44301-yes-cashew-nuts-must-be-processed

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 11, 2015

Tanzania: Cashew Industry Gets Sh30 Billion Boost

November 16, 2015

Dar es Salaam — About Sh30 billion has already been allocated for the construction of three cashew nut factories which will help to boost country's processing capacity of the second largest export cash crop.The factories that are planned to be built in Mtwara, Mkuranga and Tunduru will save the current 80 per cent of Tanzania cashew nuts exported in raw form and deny the country's opportunity to create employment, collect revenue through some taxes and enable farmers earn more from processed cashews.Each factory will have capacity to process 10,000 tonnes of cashew nuts per annum and assure farmers with high returns when their produces are processed locally before exporting. Cashew nut Industry Development Trust Fund (CIDTF) will fund the construction of the industries.Acting Chairman, Cashew nut Board of Tanzania (CBT), Mr Mudhihir Mudhihir told the press yesterday at the sideline of 3rd International Cashew Conference held in Dar es Salaam and brought together 140 participants from 22 countries that the construction is waiting some activities to complete."We had planned to start the work October this year but the designs are yet to be completed," he said.

According to Mr Mudhihir, Ardhi Universality (Aru) was contracted to work on the designs while the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) was working of the best approach of operating the industries.The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperative, Sophia Kaduma told participants from countries like Ghana, Malawi, India, Kenya, Benin, Australia, Pakistan, Mozambique and Burkina Faso that Tanzania is very concerned with low processing capacity and that is why effort is in place to increase local processing capacity.Ms Kaduma informed the participants that cashew nuts will be the first crop to benefit from the Commodity Exchange Market which was launched recently by the retired president, Jakaya Kikwete."We will only have to link the Receipt Warehouse System to the Commodity Exchange Market to ease marketing activities of the crop," said Ms Kaduma.

Source: http://allafrica.com/storie

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 11, 2015

Cashew exports to reach record high

HCM CITY (VNS)  — Cashew export value is expected to reach a record high of US$2.5 billion this year, according to the Viet Nam Cashew Association (Vinacas).
Viet Nam exported 272,000 tonnes of cashew nuts at a value of $1.97 billion in the first 10 months of the year, a year-on-year increase of 6 per cent in volume and more than 18 per cent in value.
The association has encouraged its members to focus more on processed products and producing "green and safe" products.
It also plans to promote sales in the domestic market in an effort to raise the industry's total trade value to $2.7 billion next year.
Vinacas will organise the seventh Golden Cashew Rendezvous in HCM City from November 22-24, with the aim of introducing foreign buyers to the cashew processing industry's sustainable development strategy and expanding market share for cashew products.
As part of the national trade promotion programme, the event will include the Viet Nam-Africa cashew forum, Viet Nam cashew value forum, a panel discussion on the global cashew market in 2015 and forecasts for 2016, and a Viet Nam cashew exhibition and technology seminar.
Participants will include policymakers, leaders of localities and local and international associations, more than 300 business delegates, of whom 65 per cent are representatives of foreign companies from 30 countries and territories.
Last year, the country earned $2 billion from exporting 300,000 tonnes of cashew nuts and $200,000 from cashew byproducts.
In 2014, for the ninth consecutive year, Viet Nam ranked first in the world in cashew nut exports. — VNS

Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 11, 2015

Cashew nut production in Mozambique approaches 100,000 tons

November 4th, 2015

Sales of cashew nuts in Mozambique in the 2015/2016 campaign could reach 100,000 tons, according to information released by the director of the National Institute of Cashew Promotion (Incaju), Filomena Maiópuè in Muecate, Nampula province.Maiópuè, who took part in the official launch of the sales year, recalled that in the previous campaign sales totalled 80,000 tons, so that “achieving the goal of 100,000 tons is something that we view as possible.”At the time, the director of Incaju noted that Mozambique has 14 cashew processing plants, mostly operating in Nampula province.Nampula has an estimated 14 million cashew trees and is the Mozambican province with the highest cashew production.

Source: www.macauhub.com

Indian Exporters may Face Trouble in Their Forward Commitments

Tue Nov 03, 2015

Tanzanian raw cashew is trading around $1625/Ton/Count 200 per kilo/Goa-Mangalore. Sellers are asking $100 more for 185 count nuts. Despite there is no shortage of raw cashew in India, most processors have emptied their better quality nuts during the Ramadan and Diwali season.

Indian exporters may face trouble in their forward commitments as the production level yield of W320, W240 and other higher grades is now almost negligible.  Situation may slightly improve after the arrival of Tanzanian and Indonesian raw nuts.

Source: http://worldcashew.com/

Study reinforces cashew nutritional value

November 2, 2015

For the first time, a team of researchers have analysed the nutritional composition of raw cashew nuts from the largest growing regions around the world, providing a much better approximation of the real nutrient content of cashews.Researchers studied the composition of raw cashew kernels from India, Ivory Coast, Vietnam, Brazil, Mozambique, and Kenya. Composition analysis was conducted within three months after harvest, and included dietary fibre, sugar, protein, lipid profile, salt, energy content, sterol content and profile, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

The researchers concluded that cashews are a good source of nutrients as they are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, high in dietary fibre and have an excellent profile of plant-based proteins. They also contain a wide variety of important micro nutrients including vitamins and amino acids. No significant differences were found among samples from different origins.The results also showed that cashews are relatively high in fat, but most of that fat (80%) is unsaturated. It is important to look at not only the amount of fat, but also the type. Saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, unsaturated fats, such as mono- and polyunsaturated fat, can actually decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) levels.Modern human nutrition research has linked nuts consumption with several health benefits due to their particular nutrient composition. Including nuts in a healthy diet is associated to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality, especially stroke, and to a decreased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Furthermore, epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that frequent nut intake is not associated with weight gain.

The study is available to read, download and share at:

Cashew processors face bleak future

November 4, 2015

About 10 out of the 13 cashew processing companies in the country have collapsed or halted operations over the past five years.The companies that are still in business are also struggling to cope with various challenges in the industry, which led to the collapse of their counterparts.The challenges ranged from lack of raw materials to rising costs of production, which have, over the years, combined to take the shine off an otherwise profitable business.Although the cashew industry has been a major revenue contributor to non-traditional export (NTE) earnings, accounting for 5.35 per cent (GH¢134.61 million) of last year’s earnings, a lobbyist for the Cashew Industry Association of Ghana, Dr Gideon Kofi Agbley, said it had virtually been left to fend for itself.From the availability of cashew nuts to access to credit and inputs for farmers, Dr Agbley said at the national cashew development advocacy forum in Accra that appeals for government-sponsored interventions to help revive the industry were yet to be heeded to, thereby making it difficult for companies and farmers to operate profitably.“What most of the farmers did was that they remained with the old methods of farming because of lack of resources to buy inputs. The processing companies are also collapsing. In fact, so far, only three out of the 13 companies are still operating and that is not good for us,” he said at the event.The event, which was organised by the association in conjunction with the African Cashew Alliance, was to help collate the views of stakeholders and experts into a single document that can be used for advocacy purposes.It was funded by the Business Advocacy Challenge Fund (BUSAC) fund, a non-governmental organisation committed to private sector development.

Consequences on revenues

The collapse of the cashew processors has translated into a drop in the amount of revenues the country gets from the export of cashew nuts and its derivatives on annual basis.Official figures show that earnings from cashew exports reduced by 17.5 per cent in 2014, after falling from US$163.1 million in 2013 to US$134.61 million last year.Although the development is mainly due to a fall in overall exports, Dr Agbley said it had been compounded by the volumes of amounts of processed cashew exports resulting from the collapse of the companies.As a result, he said the country needed to implement measures that will help boost the operations of processing companies while cutting down on the export volumes of raw nuts.He suggested that stakeholders in Ghana continued to dialogue with neigbouring Cote d’Ivoire to rescind its ban on cashew sales to local buyers through its borders.That, he said will help make the nuts available to the processing companies to feed their industries.Cashew production rose to 70,000 tons in July, this year, from 7,000 tons in 2003.Out of the total annual output, more than half is exported in its raw state, leaving the rest for the local processing industry.

Source: http://graphic.com.gh/

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 9, 2015

CASHEW NUT SHELL LIQUID or CNSL or Cashew Nut Oil or Cashew Shell Oil or CNSL Oil

CASHEW NUT SHELL LIQUID or CNSL or Cashew Nut Oil or Cashew Shell Oil  or CNSL Oil  is a versatile by product of the Cashew industry. The nut has a shell of about 1/8 inch thickness inside which is a soft honey comb structure containing a dark reddish brown viscous liquid.  It is called CASHEW NUT SHELL LIQUID or CNSL. Which is the pericap fluid of the Cashew Nut.  It is often considered as the better and cheaper material for unsaturated phenols.
 CNSL has innumerable applications, such as friction linings, paints, laminating resins, rubber compounding resins, cashew cements, polyurethane based polymers, surfactants, epoxy resins, foundry chemicals, and intermediates for chemical industry.  It offers much scope and varied opportunities for the development of other tailor-made polymers.
Description: cnsl_stru1
Description: cnsl_stru2
Description: cnsl_stru3
 CNSL undergoes all the conventional reactions of phenols, CNSL aldehyde condensation products and CNSL based phenolic Resins are used in applications such as surface coatings, adhesives.  Various polyamines synthesised from CNSL are used s curing agents for epoxy resins.  CNSL and its derivatives have been used as antioxidants, plasticizers and processing aids for rubber compounds, modifiers for plastic materials and used to provide oxidative resistance sulphur-cured natural rubber products.  It is also added to rubber gum stock or nit rile  rubber to improve the processability, mechanical properties and resistance to crack and cut properties of the vulcanisates.
 A number of products based on CNSL are used as antioxidants, stabilisers and demulsifies for petroleum products.  Soluble metal derivatives of C.N.S.L are used to improve the resistance to oxidation and sludge formation of Lubricating oils.  Oxidised CNSL and its derivatives are also used as demulsifying agents for water in oil type petroleum  emulsions.
 CNSL or CASHEW NUT SHELL LIQUID OIL used for manufacturing of CNSL Resin, Cardanol  or Card Phenol or Cashew Phenol, Cashew Friction Dust, Anti corrosive hiring (lining) chemicals, Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Insecticides and Fungicides, Cashew Laquers, Bakelite,  Electrical conductress, Cashew Cements, Core Oil, Red Oxide, Wood, Fuel, Speciality Chemicals, Foundry Chemicals and many other Industries.
 Cashew Nut Shell Liquid,  Specifications :
Specific Gravity 300 C   : 0.950 - 0.970Description: cnslbeaker
Viscosity 300 C in centipoises   : 200  max.
Moisture by weight     : 1.0
Matter insoluble in toluene weight   :1.0
Loss in weight on heating   : 2
Ash % by weight     : 1.0
Iodine Value :  (min.)
  a) Wij’s Method    : 250
  b) catalytic method    : 375  
a)  Time in Minutes    :  4

Source: Internet
We Offer good quality Cashew Nut Shell Liquid, Packing in 200 kg Drums/Barrels or Bulk Tank. 
Please contact:

Contact person:

Miss Mai Hong - Manager of Import Export & Planning Department
Mobile: 0084 129 9192888
Email: donafoodsvietnam@gmail.com
Skype: salemdona