Australian macadamia growers are on track to produce a record crop this year.
The peak industry body has released an initial forecast of 47,000 tonnes of nut in-shell.
The Australian Macadamia Society's chief executive officer Jolyon Burnett said the total crop last year weighed in at 43,600 tonnes.
"It's a very pleasing result, given all the hard work and effort that growers have put in this season," he said.
"We've had a 46,000-tonne crop and it's worth remembering that was when there were a lot less trees and the trees were not as old as they are now.
"In terms of the per tree or per hectare basis, it's probably not the biggest crop we've had, but in terms of absolute volume, if we make that 47,000 tonnes it certainly will be."
Mr Burnett said the damage caused to farms in Central Queensland by ex-Tropical Cyclone Marcia would have little impact on the overall national crop.
"We have three or four growers around Yeppoon and they've all suffered devastating losses and it's absolutely heartbreaking," he said.
"A year with a good yield and a good price comes along very rarely and to have your crop virtually wiped out in that sort of a year is absolutely heartbreaking, and our thoughts are with them.
"But the good news is across the entire industry we really were extremely lucky and in terms of the total crop very little damage has been done.
"The Hancock Farms has a farm at Rockhampton that sustained a bit of damage, but by and large the industry escaped relatively unscathed."
The heavy rainfall in northern New South Wales delayed the start of harvest, with growers still struggling to get machines onto the orchard floor.
"There's been a few harvest rounds, but in general I think we'll have to wait a couple of more weeks to see harvest begin in earnest," Mr Burnett said.
Seventy per cent of the crop will be exported, with a greater number of macadamias ending up on the Chinese market.
In 2014, nearly 25 per cent of the crop was exported to China. Mr Burnett said the country's demand for the in-shell product continued to grow.
Mr Burnett expected to see a greater percentage of the crop exported to China this year.
"The Chinese public eat nuts by and large in-shell, so rather like we eat peanuts, and that's a really strongly growing sector of the market and delivering good prices at the moment," he said.
"But we still have a very strong demand for the kernel market and I suppose in some way it's an enviable position to be in, to have to make a choice about which markets we service."
Mr Burnett said the demand from China for the in-shell product would put pressure on the kernel market.
"Demand is strong across all sectors of the industry and our biggest challenge is that we can't grow enough to satisfy that growing demand," he said.
"But it does allow processors and exporters to look across a whole range of markets and to try and maximise the return by going for highest value markets, but that has to be balanced also to make sure we take care of long-term sustainable markets that we know that will be there in five, 10, 20 years' time."