A “one-stop-shop” to facilitate bureaucratic procedures for cashew exports started operating in Guinea-Bissau on Monday, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Crafts.The “one-stop-shop” centralises all the parties involved in the sale of cashews and expedites bureaucratic procedures for economic operators to export the nuts.The Minister of Economy and Finance, Geraldo Martins, who chaired the opening ceremony, stressed that this facility was important from a statistical point of view, since it allows for data to be collected on the sale of what is Guinea-Bissau’s main export product.Martins also said that exports of cashew nuts in this campaign may reach 200,000 tons against 136,000 tons in the previous one as “the campaign started well and producer prices are good.”The president of the Association of Exporters and Importers of Guinea-Bissau, Amadu Djamanca,praised the scheme and also said he expected this year’s cashew campaign to be a good one.
Source: Cashewinfo
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