Become the largest producer of
cashew nuts, Ivory Coast now faces the challenge of transformation. Several
projects are in the pipeline.
The Ivory Coast has just under
five years to establish itself as the largest producer of cashew nuts, ahead of
India. Faced with climate problems, the Asian countries, historic leader of
cashew nuts, produced only 600,000 tons this year, when Ivory Coast almost
doubled its volumes and reached for the first time the 800 000 t.
This performance is the result of
a reform launched in 2013 and managed by the Council of cotton and cashew
(CCA), led by Malamine Sanogo. This revision of the framework was primarily
designed to meet the wishes set forth by President Ouattara to optimize
production - and quality - to ensure remunerative prices to producers.
Improving governance in the sector has also enabled improved traceability of
financial flows. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the turnover of all
of the cashew sector has increased from 200 billion CFA francs in
2013-337,000,000,000 CFA francs in 2015 (514 million euros), an increase 68.5%.
It remains to address the
challenge of industrialization. Only 7% of the Ivorian production is now
processed locally, while India and Vietnam, the third largest producer,
transform their entire harvest. "In order to increase local processing,
beyond our field projects, we launched the first international exhibition to
promote the equipment and cashew upgrading technologies," says Malamine
Government projects
To achieve a transformation rate
of 35% in 2016, the government launched three major projects, all driven by the
CCA. The first is the creation of an experimental unit processing 5000 t in
Yamoussoukro, in partnership with the Vietnamese company Viet Mold Machine. The
Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet-Boigny (INPHB) in Yamoussoukro
and the University of Ho Chi Minh City should provide assistance.
The second project involves the
creation of a bioplastics plant (made from cashew apple juice), whose
production could reach 420 000 t per year. Feasibility studies are expected to
start next year. On this project, the CCA can rely on the expertise of its
partners, always INPHB but also the National Institute of Scientific Research
of Canada. The latest initiative, conducted with the Israelis the
agro-industrial group Mitrelli, includes the construction of twelve processing
plants with a capacity of between 5000 and 15 000 tons per year.
"Our goal is not to us
sub-stituer the private sector, but to bring the culture of transformation and
upgrading to Ivorians," says Malamine Sanogo. Private producers will also
not expect any government, as demonstrated by the numerous industrial projects
developed by the Singapore company Olam and Cajou Ivoire, the Ivorian
businessman Vassiriki Konate.
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