Macadamia industry experts from
all major macadamia growing regions – Bundaberg, Gympie, Glass House Mountains,
Northern Rivers and the NSW Mid North Coast – will gather in Brisbane this week
to hear from global macadamia expert Alwyn Du Preez and a host of Australia’s
best scientific researchers.
The experts (who specialise in
areas like agronomy, pest & disease and horticulture) are attending the
invite-only Australian macadamia industry event (Consultants Forum) to share
ideas, listen to industry updates, learn about new scientific research,
technology and the latest breakthroughs and innovations across all production
They will learn about new
developments in the fight to control key pests and diseases including the large
new research program aimed at applying Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
strategies crucial for continuing market access, productivity and
profitability. as well as pioneering projects like the ‘Small Tree High
Productivity’ project led by Dr. John Wilkie at the NSW DPI. This project is
one of the biggest horticulture projects in years, and aims to boost crop yield
per hectare by manipulating trees - dwarfing rootstock, pruning techniques,
tree architecture and traditional breeding.
The experts will in turn
disseminate the information to the nation’s 800+ macadamia growers, helping to
ensure Australia remains the world leader in macadamia production, and achieve
its aim of raising productivity from around 2.4 tons per hectare to 3.5 tons by
“Our industry is in a unique
position that we can bring together the majority of these key industry
experts/consultants every year at this important event to discuss innovation
and improvement and how we as an industry stay ahead of the game,” says the
Australian macadamia industry’s productivity development manager Robbie
“These experts connect directly
with the majority of Australian macadamia growers on a daily basis and are a
highly trusted source of information and knowledge for growers.
“Australian macadamia kernel is
an extremely high standard, enjoying a first-class reputation both here and
internationally. Events like this lay the groundwork for further growth,
innovation and improvement, ensuring that the industry stays at the forefront
of world production.”
Mr. Commens said one of the
highlights of the 2018 event will be the information session about the new IPM
project, funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited using the research
and development macadamia levy and funds from the Australian government.
“Pest management strategies in
the past have tended to prioritise a single pest species, however this project
aims to deliver a strategic IPM program for a variety of pests found in
macadamia orchards.
“This is a new collaborative
approach to IPM, involving state departments (NSW DPI and QDAFF), universities,
commercial operators, consultants and industry stakeholders.”
Mr. Commens said attendees are
also looking forward to hearing from South African macadamia expert Alwyn Du
“Alwyn has an outstanding
reputation in the global macadamia industry, and over a decade of experience in
macadamia production in South Africa, including with leading South African
processing company Golden Macadamias.”
Australia is the world leader in
macadamia production, largely due to its strong investment in research &
development and marketing, made possible by an across-industry levy.
“Projects like the ones that will
be showcased at this event are absolutely essential for ensuring the macadamia
industry remains a strong and successful industry now and into the future,”
says Mr. Commens.
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