With the California almond
harvest moving towards an expected conclusion by mid-October, production
figures are still being tallied.
However, based on yields since
the harvest began in early August, a number of observers anticipate the 2016
almond crop size will exceed the 2.05 billion meat pounds predicted by the
National Agricultural Statistics Service in the agency’s objective forecast
released July 6.
This estimate represents a 7.9
percent increase in production over 2015.
Overall, nuts coming in are
grading about average in quality which is similar to last year, says Paul Ewing
with RPAC, LLC, an independent almond processor based in Los Banos, Calif. In
some cases, quality has suffered from unusually high levels of insect damage.
Some growers have been hit extremely hard by insects, particularly ants and the
Navel orangeworm.
Damage levels in those orchards
have ranged as high as 5 to 10 percent, he notes. However, the industry average
is tracking similar to last season at about 1.4 percent.
Sporadic cases of very high
insect damage are frequently related to some growers responding to a drop in
almond prices, as occurred last year, when they cut expenses including labor
and chemicals, says David Doll, University of California Cooperative Extension
Service farm advisor, Merced County. This includes reducing orchard sanitation
efforts and insecticide use.
The grower prices for their 2016
crop at the start of harvest had fallen to only about half what they were a
year earlier.
For example, at the beginning of
the 2015 harvest, the market valued the Nonpareil variety, about 38 percent of
California’s total almond production, at about $4.50 per meat pound. By the
start of the 2016 crop marketing year on Aug. 1, the price for Nonpareil
kernels had sunk to around $2.40 per pound, says Ewing.
Prices for pollinators were $2.00
and below, compared to $4.25-plus a year prior.
Meanwhile, almond demand has
begun to perk up. The carry-out of unsold 2015 almonds into the new marketing
year totaled 412 million pounds. Although nearly 10 percent more than from the
377 million-pound inventory on hand at the beginning of the 2015 marketing
year, observers were relieved that it wasn’t even more.
“The fact that we didn’t have a
huge carry-out, as some people had worried, means the industry lowered almond
prices enough over the preceding marketing year to help bring demand more in
line with supply,” Ewing says.
He pointed to another encouraging
sign of a healthier industry - new crop almond shipments are up strongly from a
year ago.
“The new marketing year got off
to a wonderful start,” says Ewing. “Many in the industry were shocked to see
August shipments rise 35 percent above those a year earlier. That’s a record
increase. September shipments are likely to be well above the previous
September and may set another record.”
At the same time, he cautions
that a two-month period doesn’t necessarily suggest a trend. Also, the dramatic
increase in shipments the last two months should be viewed in relation to their
previous-year benchmarks when shipments were unusually low for the first five
months of the season.
“Also, keep in mind that
observers say it takes anywhere from about 6 to 12 months for prices to work
their way through the marketing system,” Ewing explains. “The current high
shipments show that the really low prices for almonds which began this past
February are rebuilding demand for our product.”
This strengthening reflects a
strong rebound of sales in North America and promising market growth in China,
India, and Turkey, he notes. Also, the higher price of alternative nuts
including cashews and hazelnuts is boosting the demand for almonds as well.
Ewing is encouraged by another
positive development in the almond market.
“By the start of September, we’d
already sold or shipped about a third of the 2016 crop,” Ewing says. “This
bodes well for market strength.
“Sellers didn’t want to risk
setting opening prices too high and were satisfied to sell at opening levels.
They were conservative to help ensure that demand got off to a great start.
Also, they set the stage for prices that will move the future higher production
levels as recently increased acreage of new almond orchards start bearing
As a result of the conservative
start and strong shipments, prices increased about 20 cents a pound in
September, says Ewing.
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