They met from Friday 24 to
Saturday 25 February 2017 at the Hotel Radison Blu in the town of Port-Bouet.
They are the cashew exporters of Côte d'Ivoire in collaboration with all actors
(producers, industrialists ...) in the cashew nut industry from Vietnam, India,
Ghana, Niger, etc. Through these national days of cashew exporters from Côte
d'Ivoire (Jnec-ci), the first of its kind, with the
theme "emergence of the cashew sector in Côte d'Ivoire and challenges
related to external marketing" The Association of Cashew Exporters of Côte
d'Ivoire (Aec-ci) was to create a platform for
exchanges between actors at national and international level, with a view to
meeting the challenges of the sector and improving The quality of the cashew.
At the opening of the event, on Friday 24 February, Diaby
Aboubacar, general commissioner of this symposium,
also president of the Aec-ci, recalled the good performance of the Ivoirian cashew
(world leader with more Of 680,000 T in 2016).
This performance has led to a
substantial increase in the turnover of the sector from 165 billion CFA francs
in 2013 to 441 billion CFA francs in 2016. "All these figures are the
result of the reforms implemented since 2013," said Diaby
Aboubacar Which did not fail to question the
government about the risks linked to the fraudulent exit of the cashew of the
Ivorian territory by land. This situation could, in his opinion, negatively
impact the Ivorian economy and industry. He also said that at the end of the
symposium, a school would be built in a cashew production area. As for Coulibaly Adama, Dg of the cashew
cotton industry, representing Mamadou Sangafowa, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,
he believes that, through this symposium, cashew exporters give legibility to
the sector and Côte d 'Ivory. That is why, drawing on the results of the reform
of the sector, he said that "the Ivorian cashew is going well." All the more so because "the sector is in a process of
professionalization". Representing Prime Minister Amadou Gon, Souleymane
Diarrassouba, Minister of Commerce, Crafts and SME
Development, stressed the importance of transformation. For him, the actors
must be empowered so that the cashew knows an added value with the increase of
the transformation rate which should rise from about 10% currently to 100% in
2020. It is necessary that the exporters of " Today
are transformers of tomorrow.
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