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Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 5, 2016

San Diego Receives for the First Time the World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress

San Diego Receives for the First Time the World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress

Congress News

May 31, 2016
The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) celebrates, from today until Wednesday, and for the first time in San Diego, the World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress. The INC Congress represents the largest international gathering of food professionals, suppliers, traders and buyers dedicated to the nuts and dried fruits business. This year, the event reaches its 35th edition and returns to USA since it was celebrated in Las Vegas on 2004. Today, more than 1,400 attendees from 60 countries have met at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego to participate in the first day of the Congress, making it the largest event of nuts and dried fruits in history.
The Congress has begun with the opening speech offered by the INC Chairman, Mark Mariani, and the Congress Co-Chairman, Jack Mariani, who welcomed participants to “three exciting days of sessions” fully focused on the nuts and dried fruits industry.
The opening ceremony has served to deliver the Award for Excellence in Gastronomy. Christopher Kostow, Executive Chef of The Restaurant at Meadowood in Napa, and winner of 3 Michelin stars, has been recognized by his continued work and excellence in cuisine.
The first day of the World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress has been featured by Steve Junqueiro, Co-President and COO of Save Mart Supermarkets. Being invited as a keynote speaker, Junqueiro has offered a conference focused on the future of American supermarkets. He has outlined what is considered vital for customers today and tomorrow. Among these points, Junqueiro has mentioned food transparency, convenience, connectivity, emotional connection and local and sustainable supply. He stated that “62 % of millennials feel that online content drives their loyalty to a brand” and added that “emotionally connected customers are four times more likely to shop first at their preferred retailer”.
Round tables: crop forecasts for 2016
Afterwards, attendees have had the opportunity to participate in three round tables centered on dried fruits, pistachios and almonds. Led by industry experts, these round tables have provided participants with relevant and updated information about crop forecasts for 2016. Mark Jansen, who chaired the almonds’ round table, claimed that the industry has entered a positive period. “What we are anticipating is a growing trend-line of around 5 to 6 % in terms of growth across all almonds growing regions. And we look for worldwide demand growing to 5 – 6 % rates as well”. “I would say –Mr. Jansen added- that what we are seeing in the near future is a healthy equalization between supply and demand growth”.
In addition, Michael Hohmann, chair of the pistachios’ round table, said that industry expects consumption to increase next year, as consumers are looking for more and more snacks.
Over the course of the following days, the INC Congress will host more round tables focused on hazelnuts, macadamias, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, pecans, pine nuts and Brazil nuts.
Until Wednesday, the INC Congress will follow its scheduled program with different sessions. Tomorrow, Dr. Joel Kimmelshue, from Land IQ, will participate in the Scientific Seminar focused on statewide spatial mapping of almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and dried plums in California and water resources. In addition, the Nutrition Research Update will serve to review the latest scientific studies supporting the health benefits of nuts and dried fruits. It will be featured by Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, Prof. Salas-Salvadó and Dr. Cesarettin Alasalvar, distinguished experts in the field of health and nutrition.
Finally, the Congress will deliver its annual awards to those individuals and organizations that have contributed to the progress of the nuts and dried fruits industry. Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton will receive the Award for Excellence in Research while The Wonderful Company will be given the Corporate Golden Nut Award. Moreover, Jack Mariani will be recognized with the Individual Golden Nut Award.
Source: www.nutfruit.org

Classified cashews machine has been improved and better finishing

In 2007 he Ngo Ngoc Quang, Tan Thanh commune, Bu Dop district (Binh Phuoc) has researched and manufactured a machine nut Classified large capacity, freeing a lot of labor in harvesting it. However at that time, the machine still has many drawbacks not yet been overcome.

To date, cashew Classified his machine has been improved and perfected the better, towards the prospect of mass manufacturing and commercialization, even exported to several markets, including Cambodia.

Process research and development

In 2007, throughout the year uninterrupted investment effort, money and time through many failures, even more people are called "crazy", he finally Ngo Ngoc Quang, Tan Thanh commune, Bu Dop District ( Binh Phuoc) has researched and manufactured a machine nut Classified large capacity, freeing a lot of labor in harvesting it.

In 2003, after several years of investment in pepper failure, he Quang give the garden, open shop mechanic. In 2004, listening to friends talk "but growers 5 ha forever not find workers for the harvest, the harvest results are not broken it out into the garden. And asked him Quang no way created a machine nut Classified not? ". At this time no similar machine, but he has agreed to do the test.

Anh Quang said: "When he started to do this machine, I had to study a lot of machines with the same principles as milling, donkeys, peeled pressed ... but no matching principle chore county thing. After a period of study and research I found only sliding Classified principle is most suitable, not crushed cashews. "

Despite finding operation principles and the implementation process, but it is also very feat. Do all of the stages are made ​​up manually whenever you edit, change takes a lot of effort and time. In addition, a difficulty making lasting manufacturing is by no fruit machines thing to try. "Production of other machines, such as separating corn, pepper, the material easy to machine longer trials Classified this is just to wait to seasons, which are very short (about 1 month after Tet) so much as the machine malfunction, no re done editing to test results, "he explained Optics. Must make to the third machine and took more than 3 years, he accomplished a new View the complete machine and high-precision system with 10 bar Classified sliding shaft has different kinds of grooves. Classified cashews after very clean machine, no longer stalk and not damaged.

The machine weighs about 100kg, 1.2m tall, with parts such as chassis, trough, screw, system junk and run lots of small diesel engines. Machines have a capacity of 500-600 kg / hour, more than 25-30 times the Classified crafted by hand. Machine operator jobs are simply 1 to 2 people ... Now, although the machine was complete, but he is continuing to research Optics made ​​compact frame, back, convenient for moving, reduce spending production expenses.

"Most of the income from this mechanical workshop I will pour out on the investment made ​​cashews Classified machine. Many times there is no money in the house to borrow a friend, brother and go buy the store material debt to try to make up the machine. Then painstakingly every day revolves around a machine, all paints, solder mound, even watched and study how chewing cow that eating fruits, nuts fool out that it is not crushed nuts "he Quang explain why Quang nicknamed" crazy ". Many people find themselves studying him forever without any results, wasting money should have told him to give up. But with determination and the desire and the research, creation, and early 2007, it completed Classified machine was born. According to Quang, if put into mass production, the cost of a machine about 5 million. Starting next season, that he may give it growing families in need. There has been a number of orchard owners to visit and purchase the machine.

Have to say, the Ngo Ngoc Quang successful fabrication machine cashews contributed Classified lessen a hard stage for farmers during harvest it. Especially for industries that Binh Phuoc province, where acreage and yield the greatest thing our country today.

Source: VINACAS / VNA / Vietnam

Samson's Cashew Market Report May 29, 2016

The Cashew Market has been at a cross-road for most of May, waiting to see which signal turns green - right or left !!

In a market that has been very quiet, offers (and some trades) in Week 20 and 21 have been in the range of W240 from US$ 4.25 to 4.45 / W320 from US$ 3.95 to 4.15 / W450 from US$ 3.85 to 3.95 / Splits from US$ 3.25 to 3.40 / Pieces from US$ 3.00 to 3.15 FOB for shipments upto Sep/Oct..  No business reported for later positions but as usual, offers for far forwards are few cents higher than current range.

Let us have a look at what has happened so far in 2016 :

- Jan & Feb were quiet.  Supply situation was comfortable.  Buyers were able to buy required volume without difficulty.  Although sheller margins were under pressure since mid 2015 because 2015 RCN prices were higher than 2014, they were not able to increase kernel prices due to comfortable situation. They were just able to make both ends meet by selling for nearbys at prevailing prices.  Prospects for 2016 crop were looking okay and there was no reason for buyers to consider covering forwards at the higher levels that are usually asked by large processors for later positions.

- On Feb 29, Government of India announced an Import Duty of approx 10% on import of RCN. There are some schemes for refund, exemption etc but overall this makes life difficult for Indian processor and adds to cost of doing business.  It was expected that this would lead to softening of RCN prices. On the contrary, RCN prices started moving up from middle of March !!!

- Immediate cause for increase in RCN prices was that arrivals were slower and later than expected raising concern about the size of the crop.  Reports of lower out-turn at the beginning of the season in most areas added to the fears and induced continuous buying at increasing prices.

- Late arrival of RCN meant reduced processing in Feb & Mar resulting in tightness of kernel availability + delays in kernel shipments to USA & Europe. Buyers were forced to pay higher prices to secure supplies to meet delivery commitments for 2nd quarter.  Added to this was the apprehension of lower kernel availability through 2016 due to short crop + lower out-turn.  This fuelled spiral of one price increase leading to another.

- Between mid-March to early-May, W320 moved up from range of 3.55-3.75 to 4.05-4.20. Most of the business during this price rise was for nearbys but some “ caution “ buying was done for later positions also.

- During May, market is taking a breather.  Prices for RCN as well as kernels have come down a bit - not much.  Waiting for trigger to be pulled to make a move.

Now, a look at what we can expect in the coming weeks :

- It appears that although the crop is adversely affected, the impact may not be as bad as feared.  In most regions, volumes may be same as last year while some regions may see reduction of 10 to 20%.  Although there are reports of some higher out-turn stocks showing up in some regions, average out-turn is definitely going to be lower. We are seeing a trend of reducing yields in many origins since last 3-4 years and this needs to be watched in coming years

- RCN prices have come down from the peaks of April 2016 but are still high compared to 2015 average and much higher than 2014 average. So, it would not be realistic to expect any significant decline in kernel price although we might see a dip from current levels when supplies pick up in 3rd quarter. Dip cannot be large because the high price paid for RCN will not allow shellers to sell at much lower levels.

- At the same time, we don’t  see much chance of any big jump in prices.  There is an unspoken fear that if the prices go up too much, it would seriously impact demand leaving the hot potato in the hands of the most vulnerable parts of the chain (shellers and RCN traders / growers).

-  As RCN arrivals into India & Vietnam are picking up from May, shellers will need to keep selling on a regular basis.  Similarly, there will be a need for continuous buying as many of the buyers do not have any significant cover for Sep/Oct forwards. Also, Aug-Nov/Dec is the peak consumption period in most markets  (especially the biggest consumer - India - which is a “spot” market)

- Like many other commodities - and specially tree-nuts - we feel that we will see cashews moving up to a higher than historical price range.  After having moved in a 3.00 to 3.50 range for a long time, the new “ normal “ could probably be 3.75 to 4.25 with “ comfort “ zone around 4.00 dollars.

- The next 6-8 weeks will give us a fairly clear picture of availability for the next 6 to 9 months and the average in-shell cost.  What happens with kernel prices in Aug/Sep will have an important bearing on off-take for last quarter of 2016 and first half of 2017.

Source: Pankaj N. Sampat | SAMSONS TRADERS

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 5, 2016

California Almonds -- Sales Poised to Benefit From Price Shift

This year's almond crop is expected to be larger than that from last year, and growers are pointing to more rain and a better winter as reasons for the boost in production. More volume could mean lower prices, but those better price points could entice foreign buyers to purchase more nuts than in previous years.The most recent California almond forecast has 2016's crop at 2.0 billion pounds, which is a 5.8 percent jump from 2015's crop of 1.89 billion pounds. At 2,200 pounds per acre, the expected yield for this season is a 4.7 percent improvement over last year's yield of 2,120 pounds per acre.“We had a smaller crop last season because of the continued drought and a short, warm winter,” said P-R Farms' Robert Rocha. “Those things stressed the trees, but more water and a colder winter have allowed the trees to recuperate.”With more volume available, Rocha is looking for better demand, domestically and abroad, to match what will be available. In the past, high prices and a strong dollar have affected export sales, but lower prices might boost exports this year.“In China, for example, we have seen demand taper off in recent years as their economy has cooled off,” said Rocha. “But that cooling off has also coincided with our high prices. I think they'll respond to lower prices, and we'll be able to reach their consumers with those lower prices. It will be a good thing if we get more demand from those markets because we'll need those export sales as we move into bigger production.”


Five-month cashew nut exports exceed US$1 billion

According to Mr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, chairman of the Vietnam Cashew Association, in the first five months of this year, cashew industry exported more than 118,000 tons of cashew nuts, bringing in about US$1.1 billion, exceeding export plan in both volume and value.

The US was the biggest cashew importer of Vietnam. The association said that this year’s plan to process and export 350,000 tons of cashew nuts was feasible and might bring in $2.5 billion.The two current main issues of cashew industry are the chaotic competition in exporting cashew to African countries, especially to Ivory Coast, and food safety when processing cashew nuts.The current price of raw cashew is fairly high, above VND30,000 per kilogram, due to prolonged drought in countries with large area of cashew trees, including Brazil. However, local farmers’ income is not as high as expected because of low productivity. According to the association, production of raw cashew has fallen by 20 percent compared to the same period last year.

Source: http://www.saigon-gpdaily.com.vn

Russia set for large walnut and hazelnut investment

CMV Story-Service, one of Russia’s leading agricultural holdings, plans to invest up to USD30 million in the production of walnuts and hazelnuts this year, according to Alexander Kustov, head of the company.The new processing facility is expected to be located in the Stavropol region, (southern Russia; home to one the country’s best climatic conditions for nut growing.Future production will be established on the overall area of 200 hectares.

Source: agra-net.com/

California Almonds -- Sales Poised to Benefit From Price Shift

FRESNO, CA--(Marketwired - May 25, 2016) - California almond growers will maintain their competitive advantage over other almond producers in upcoming years primarily driven by climate and good soil. Factors that California growers will be faced with include scarcity of water and land which will prohibit the continued rapid growth of almond acreage and likely lead to average yield gains slowing as expansion focuses on Northern California regions. These dynamics and their impact on California's almond production are examined in Rabobank's Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory note titled "California Almonds -- Sales are Poised to Benefit From Price Revelation."

A larger than anticipated crop and reduced purchases from many buyers has fueled the rapid decline in price. Some sales of almonds abroad have unraveled as buyers were reluctant to pay the higher contracted price, leaving the almonds dockside, forcing sellers to find another buyer in the specific region to avoid returning shipment costs. This unprecedented situation has seen the price for almonds fall from historical highs and reset the price for the incoming crop closer to the 10 year average Vernon Crowder, senior analyst with Rabobank and the report's author states, "California almond growers expect a two billion pound crop this fall as is projected by the USDA -- which is about twice as much as produced 10 years ago. More plentiful harvests and now lower prices will again encourage more consumption of almonds," added Crowder. Actual demand for almonds is expected to continue growing globally, as well as domestically.The report concludes by highlighting the continued increase in planted acreage. "While total almond production in California has doubled in the last 10 years, planted acreage has only increased by 47 percent. About 20 percent of the acreage planted today is non-bearing, the highest proportion since 1998," said Crowder. With California orchards accounting for over 80 percent of global almond production, and demand expected to continue to grow, California almond growers are expected to maintain a competitive advantage among other almond producers.

Source: http://www.marketwired.com/p

Cashew welcome new opportunities

Up groups of crude imports

At the seminar "transferred his industry welcomed new opportunities" took place on 23/5 in Vietnam, Nguyen Duc Thanh, chairman VN Cashew Association (Vinacas) said that due to import 70% VN materials export processing should reorganize all the more.

In particular, it will form groups of enterprises with import demand, based on the voluntary principle. These groups are not necessarily by region, but in many parts businesses can come together when appropriate. The group members will share information and advance to agree on the purchase price allocation for some clue in talks.

"In Long An has established this group and upcoming delivery for 1-2 clue work for the party, this way ensuring the quality of raw materials has helped more reasonable purchase price."

Vinacas representative also said that the last time the trade disputes occur primarily in the field of import of raw cashew nuts. Therefore, a solution Vinacas frugal as customer classification. Based on the classification, the DN VN only do business with reputable partners, eliminating even the units do not have professional, financial inability, without feet goods, mainly through selling broker very risky.

Vinacas Office will also publish an assessment of the customer to sell crude to VN. The Advisory Council will import annually published list of "black" on the export of raw cashew VN does not comply with the contract to DN alert.

Vinacas well established consultancy team, including lawyers, continue to edit templates crude import contracts to the construction companies as a basis for their own contracts. The spirit of the contract is the definitive template for partners not to impose "rules of the game", causing losses to businesses VN when the problem occurred.
Priority processing, FHS

Vinacas Chairman also confirmed that the industry wants to bring value to VN 3-4 billion a year, only the road promoting intensive processing to create added value. "No deep processing can not win this battle," Mr. Thanh said. The increase in deep processing for foreign partners not only sell but also to fully exploit the domestic market with nearly 100 million inhabitants (already has several businesses in and achieved very positive results).

This sector will also continue to improve technological processes, aiming rotation system uses capital and machinery, warehouses, factories doubled; insects do not arise, high quality cashew nuts, FHS, thereby creating greater added value for the industry.

In addition, this sector is also changing attitudes VN business: Previously based on the motto compete in a "cheap", ie buy low-cost raw materials and export of low value. Now the companies are willing to buy high-priced but quality processing leading, then sell at high prices. This is beneficial for both companies, just right with the goal of MARD is helping farmers better incomes from cultivation, to create sustainable development.
Together with farmers

Some ideas suggested at the conference that the industry must support solutions, reinvesting back to farmers to increase production of domestic raw materials.

Nguyen Duc Thanh affirmed, MARD has endorsed a proposal to establish "sustainable development fund it." Revenues include four sources: the state support; Export revenues in the first section tons of all businesses, funding and other revenue sources. About tasks spending: Approximately 70% of the fund of funds used to support the program of intensive rehabilitation and research garden seeds, cashew farmers support. About 30% is spent on research to improve the process technology, manufacturing equipment and processing conditions, improve quality and food hygiene and safety, trade promotion and market development in the country.

In addition, this sector is also receiving special attention of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Steering Committee would establish conditions for sustainable development by Deputy Le Quoc Doanh as Chairman. The Ministry has also invested hundreds of billions for the things of Binh Phuoc and research institutions, aims to help farmers increase yields and income from cashew in the near future.

Nguyen Minh

Source: Agriculture Vietnam

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 5, 2016

The mechanism of self-certification of origin European Union

Currently, Vietnam is very much involved in the negotiations of free trade agreements (FTA) which requires application of the mechanism of self certification of origin. Under this mechanism, responsible for certification of the origin of goods will move from the specialized agencies to businesses (or importer). That is now (or importer) will automatically perform the procedures and meet the conditions for declaring the goods to meet the standards of origin and solely responsible for the accuracy of that statement .

To introduce to the business of content and how to manipulate the mechanism of self-certification of origin of the EU and EFTA markets, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam (VCCI) in coordination with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Volume EFTA (including 4 countries Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Ireland and the Lich-ten-Einstein) organized a workshop on "Self-certification of origin" in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh dated 06/17/2014 19 / 6/2014.

At the workshop, experts from the EFTA Bloc have provided information about the system of self-certification of origin of the EFTA countries that are similar to the EU. Accordingly exporters will release proof of origin, namely that disclosure of origin in the trade documents (such as bills) without the participation of the authorities release Management process.

This system has been used in the EU for more than 40 years and to see the advantages of it as simplify procedures, reduce time and costs for businesses, while reducing the risk to the licensing authorities and customs burden. Therefore, in the FTA that the EU has signed or is negotiating, the partners are required to apply the mechanism of self certification of origin. Even the European Union is also considering to apply this mechanism in the system of tariff preferences (GSP).

However, exporters are not yet can also certificates of origin which must be licensed by a competent authority of the exporting country (usually Customs). How gom4 normal process steps: i) The exporter applying for authorization to the customs authorities, ii) Customs inspection applications lodged, iii) Examining the spot if necessary, iv) Decision licensed or not licensed. Normally 1 free license certificate of origin has a term of 5 years if the exporter does not have any violations.

Vietnam Some businesses expressed concern self-certification system of origin may create more cases of fraud than traditional licensing system through the competent authorities. But the experts of the EFTA have confirmed that fraud rates as monitoring and evaluation of the block is no much difference between the new and old systems. That's because under the new system, the customs authorities may conduct direct examination exporters at any time if there is suspicion of irregularities in order to limit the frauds.

Generally, though, is new in Vietnam, self-certification system origin has now become quite popular in the world. Along with a series of FTAs ​​that Vietnam is engaged in talks with our partners to use this mechanism, the greater is its ability to be applied in Vietnam in the future. So now the enterprises should actively explore the mechanism of self-certification of origin to take the necessary preparations to take advantage of this once the FTA is signed.

Source: Source: WTO and Integration Center – VCCI

DN things: Links to sustainable development

According to Vice President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas), enterprises (companies) that Vietnam should have the links and common voice unified branch of Vietnam to sustainable development.

Dang Hoang Giang said, according to the Global Council (GCC), this crop year, world production of crude as well as Vietnam's cashew production fell by 10.5% (yield of Vietnam approximately 425,000 tons).

Vietnamese enterprises should avoid "self-leg together"

In the first 4 months of 2016, the country exported 93,000 tons is on, exports reached 705 million, up 12% in volume and 20% in value over the same period of 2015; imports 207,000 tons, an increase of approximately 5% over the same period last year.

Although Vietnam's industries continue to achieve good growth, but the current situation is that businesses that reflect the fluctuations in import prices rising trend should cause a lot of difficulties in maintaining production in country.

Share this regard, Nguyen Thai Son, Director of Long Son (one of the leading enterprises in Vietnam Cashew Export) said it causes import prices increased mainly due to the DN Vietnam soon service was scrambled from the beginning signing the contract, a deposit with high value (about 20% of the contract value) without giving a uniform price, while the contract terms loosely, resulting in counterpart often break the contract or seek to delay the pending contract prices up.

According to the lawyer Nguyen Thi Hong Ngan, Vietnam majority of enterprises do not have good preparation for commercial disputes arising out of lack of knowledge of foreign law, the losing led to easy and faced many risks.

Disputes or complaints in court and arbitration in import and export activities which often focus on the provision as applying international commercial terms in the settlement of disputes; competent agency dispute resolution, location or quality terms, payment methods.

Link to master the game

To solve these problems mentioned above, Dang Hoang Giang said that Vietnam enterprises need to link and unify a common voice. Accordingly, these companies need to agree on import prices, and impose standards of raw cashew nuts from Vinacas standards with the partners. The enterprises should also form the basis of Vinacas contract when preparing contracts to avoid the lax legal basis.

The same point of view, Mr. Nguyen Thai Son said that importers that Vietnam should unite together to master the game Vinacas regulate prices. Imposing the maximum purchase price and minimum sale price may be exported. Deposit rates before buying only about 5% in order to minimize risks.

Additionally, in the contract to import things, relocation should arbitrate disputes about Singapore to make it easy for businesses in the travel Vietnam.

Improve productivity and quality of goods

Mr. Son also said that the domestic industry will continue to grow steady in the next 2 years. However, in the next 4 years the situation may be different, because at present, some countries with large crude output as the Ivory Coast have begun to import technology and machinery Vietnam's cashew processing to produce domestic.

Moreover, the Chinese communities in Africa and India could also produce it in Africa and shipment of their own countries. In the future, the import market of Vietnam's things like USA, European countries will be more rigorous food safety.

Therefore, Vietnam should improve production in the country to actively source material, sources on the market; Navigate to the refined products made with good quality assurance standards is really about HACCP, clean production standards of Vinacas thing to dominate the market.

In terms of domestic production, according to Dr. Nguyen Nhu Hien (DCP, MARD), to develop this sector in a sustainable way, the production of goods with large diversified product quality, provide value-added, MARD will coordinate to strengthen local agriculture, transfer of advanced cultivation techniques, replanting, rehabilitation and replacement graft varieties for high yield production.

Goals by 2020, growing area of ​​300,000 hectares stable country, the average yield of 1.5 tons / ha with an output of 450,000 tons.

*** According to a report from Vinacas, in the first 4 months of 2016, exports to the US market that continues to grow with more than 28.5 million impressions tons, reaching over 220 million, an increase of nearly 9% in volume and 18.65% in value compared to the same period of 2015. Currently, the US is the largest export market of Vietnam thing.

Le Anh

Source: Chinhphu.vn

Slates for cashew

Vietnam cashew industry thrived in recent years and for 11 consecutive years the world leader in exports. However, since the beginning of the year, the markets are more volatile in price and supply of crude.

Under these circumstances, on 23/5, HCMC, Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) jointly organized the seminar "The industry welcomed the transfer of his new opportunity." Here, many practical suggestions for what the industry experts, the business was launched.

Big but not strong

Nguyen Duc Thanh - Chairman of Vinacas said the first 5 months of 2016, Vietnam exported 128 thousand tons of cashew nuts, earning more than $ 1 billion, the price of exports also increased, by 12%. This year, the market has changed, if as before China is an important market, there is always a high turnover, but in the first 5 months this year, China surpassed the United States, rising consumption market it's the first product in our country.

Evaluating the favorable level of the US market for the products of the Vietnam thing, Mr. Thanh said: "The situation is very positive, because in addition to top-quality products, this sector is facing our country great advantages in US markets are almost no barriers. Discuss future orientations, he Thanh said that cashew sector need to invest more to escape the situation "big but not strong", also the No. 1 export, import and No. 1 but has not been effectively brought as desire, and the status of local firms competing against each other, this could undermine this sector.

Find sustainable development

As a business with 25 years of operating experience in this sector, Nguyen Thai Son - Long Son Company reviews: "One of the biggest weaknesses of the cashew sector is dependent on a lot of imported raw materials, thus potential difficulties and risks are high. Once their countries active in the production and processing are seen as sources of raw materials will be reduced significantly.

Also because of lack of raw materials should happen the companies compete to buy and sell paintings were also cases where the seller has the product mix, leading to quality assurance. " Food safety risk high, condition monitoring, management is not tight. Recently the European countries, America ... making food safety standards are very high, leading to the exporters face many difficulties.

He paints proposals, to thrive industry, policy makers create more open documents, not to happen the business of harassment, procedures cumbersome, difficult. Vinacas role is extremely important. Vinacas proposed set of enterprise needs to create competitive strength, not to present themselves as strongly as everyone.

According to Dr. Nguyen Nhu Hien - representing DCP (MARD), the organization of production, the link between farmers, between farmers and enterprises not established; Growers difficult access to credit. Businesses not associated with the farmer building materials; yet what form the system purchased directly from farmers, price volatility, do not buy the standard, leading to unequal quality.

One problem is equally important is the delegates at the conference concerned the fact the business is engaged more and more in international commercial transactions, but their position in the entry into and performance of contracts is still quite low. The reason is the experience of negotiations and signing of contracts with foreign partners remains weak.

According to Lawyer Nguyen Thi Hong Ngan, to enhance the advantages of contracting, or dispute resolution, businesses need to be prepared well in all aspects, to consult the legal consultant and Agreements opportunity to defend their rights. In parallel with that, the businesses have to equip yourself with the expertise and skills in negotiation, dispute resolution, the operation of sustainable new businesses.

Quoc Dinh

Source: University Solidarity

Branch of Vietnam must import more than 50% of raw materials for processing

Next time, Vietnam cashew industry will have to continue to import more than 50% of raw material processing service.

This is the information given at the workshop to discuss solutions for sustainable development in 2016 that Vietnam Cashew Association held yesterday (23/5).

Currently serving of raw materials processing and export of Vietnam only meet about 50% of the processing capacity of the plant. Although, with the efforts of the whole agricultural sector, but the output is difficult to grow rapidly over the next 10 years as planned.

Expected this year, Vietnam enterprises will import 870,000 tonnes of raw cashew nuts with a total value of more than 1.1 billion USD. Vietnam's cashew industry is ranked No. 1 in the world in terms of export, import and processing technology.

Source: VTV

US markets will be "difficult" than the products it imports

Upcoming US law will apply to businesses selling products that must be responsible to the final consumer.

According to the Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) at the workshop to discuss solutions for sustainable development which, at present, Vietnam is a producer, importer and exporter of the world's largest things.

According to the plan of the Vietnam Cashew Association, in 2016, the output of Vietnam will export 350,000 tons with a turnover of more than $ 2.5 billion. The USA remains the largest export market of Vietnam conditioning products.

According to experts, this sector of our country is inherently risky. What services this year, the output of our country was reduced by 20% compared to 475,000 confirm last year's attack. Processing enterprises, export it being dependent on imports of raw materials from African countries and Cambodia.

As expected, the businesses of Vietnam will import 870,000 tonnes of raw cashew nuts with a total value of $ 1,131 billion this year. Before the fierce competition of the processing enterprises, the export of China, India and Ivory Coast, the role of Vietnam enterprises in the dominant input procurement in Africa are threatened . The purchase contract disputes between businesses in the country and abroad increasingly complex.

Besides, the way the production of farmers and cashew processing enterprises of our country does not ensure food safety. Currently, Vietnam has more than 300 exporters things. The main business of our country competing, pushing the price of crude in the African countries and Cambodia increased to more than 16% over the same period last year.

To industry thrive, businesses producing, processing cashews should coordinate with the farmers to actively input source. Businesses also recommends that the Government should have policies to simplify administrative procedures for import of raw materials of raw cashew nuts.

Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) to gather more of the export enterprises for unified action, so that we can impose the maximum purchase price and minimum sale price in trade with foreign partners out.

Vu Thai Son, Chairman of the Board, General Director of JSC Long Son said, although Vietnam is always in position as a major exporter but not strong.

"The US market is a huge market and a market formerly easygoing. However, the upcoming US will apply the new law, businesses selling products must be responsible to the final consumer. Therefore, the export of cashew nuts to the US market will face many challenges, "Son specified. 

Source: VOV / Tp. HCM

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 5, 2016

Ivory Coast now world’s biggest exporter of cashew nuts

The Ivory Coast has overtaken India to become the world’s biggest exporter of cashew nuts. This development will bolster President Alassane Ouattara’s efforts to have 100% of the cashew nuts produced in the Ivory Coast processed internally by 2020.

The road to achieving these goals could mean more jobs and money flowing into the Ivorian economy.
Ivory Coast is also one of the world’s leading producer of cocoa. The country was recently ranked as the preferred destination for investors in Africa.

This trade boost for the Ivory Coast comes a few months after Ghana’s Ministry of Trade and Industry suspended a ban it had placed on exportation of raw cashew nuts after it received intense bashing from Parliament.

The Minister of Trade, Ekow Spio Garbrah said the decision to suspend the ban was mainly influenced by the view that the timing for the move was wrong. The Ministry earlier explained that the directive banning the cashew nuts exports was an attempt to improve the local processing sector.

This ban however infuriated MPs and some cashew nut farmers who mounted intense pressure on the Ministry to rescind its decision.
Despite the Trade Ministry’s decision retreat, it said it will soon put in place some measures to streamline the cashew industry.

Source: http://citifmonline.com

Ukraine: Political situation boosts modernisation for walnut production

The recent DCFTA between the EU and Ukraine has given a boost to the Ukrainian agricultural sector as many have now gained an opportunity to increase production so they can become a larger competitor in the global market place."The current political situation with Russia and the Ukraine has meant that many people within the agricultural sector are hard at work to make investments into increasing their production capacity. Growers are looking to various resources to make improvements such as modernising their growing techniques."Many walnut growers in the Ukraine are still small private operations, so most production figures have come in the form of the amounts which are sent out for export. Despite this, the Ukraine is already one of the top 5 walnut producers in the world and has the potential to move up in the list.

According to the USDA Gain report published in August of 2015, it was projected that Ukrainian walnut sector was expected to produce around 102,000 metric tonnes during the 2015/16 marketing year, in keeping with the year before. However, new walnut orchards were developed back in 2009 with commercial farming in mind and with new trees taking between 5-7 years to mature, this should help future production.The walnut harvest begins around late November to early December. Walnuts are stored and sold through to the end of July-August.

Source: http://www.freshplaza.com

Vietnam Cashew "excess" India, Ivory Coast in the US market

In order to find solutions for sustainable development of this sector in the near future, on 23-5, Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) organized a workshop to discuss sustainable development in 2016 that "Talking to clean it, think about Vietnam Male". Accordingly, businesses have contributed many opinions about issues of material resources and reduce trade disputes with foreign partners.

Nguyen Duc Thanh Nguyen Duc, Chairman of Vinacas said the first 5 months of 2016, Vietnam exported 128 thousand tons of cashew nuts, earning more than $ 1 billion, that export prices also rose, by 12%.

This year, the market has changed, if as before China is an important market, there is always a high turnover, but in the first 5 months this year, China surpassed the United States, rising consumption market it's the first product in our country.

According to Thanh, the last time, American consumers increasingly recognize that Vietnam is a country that offers a variety of products and processing technology leads the world, ensuring food hygiene and safety compared with other countries other. Therefore, they were redirected to use the product more articles of Vietnam to other countries such as India, Ivory Coast ...

Speaking at the seminar, Vu Thai Son, General Director of JSC Long Son said that the advantage that relatively large output from Vietnam and Cambodia with modern processing technology, processing industry of Vietnam will still has an advantage of about 2-3 years. However, margins will decline due to fierce competition.

According to Mr. Son, the industry producing future processing is very good. Last time, with the support of Vinacas, processing machines which have been exported to India. Many African manufacturers also share, previously they were producing losses, since the switch to the factory Vietnam is very good and profitable.

However, the forecast for this sector in 4 years later, he expressed concern Repainting. In particular, the domestic industry depends heavily on imported raw materials that do not grow enough produce raw materials, imported mainly from Africa and Cambodia. Which was dependent on the export of raw materials to a certain time they import countries will produce and export taxes on crude (as Vietnam has done to curb crude export to India).

In addition, manufacturing processing plants that are supplying the equipments for the opponents of factory conditions in the country. Therefore, the future of Africa will produce cashew for export and export of crude dropped on Vietnam. This will put in front of a branch of Vietnam difficult problem of raw materials. Therefore, increasing the area under cultivation is necessary and should embark on immediate implementation

Many comments at the conference also said that sanctions export it to other countries our country is still very loose. Specifically, our country annually imported more than 700,000 tons of crude from Africa. From 2015 until now, due to increased price of crude sold to customers "ruffled" contracts, demanding higher prices from 100-150 USD / ton, the new delivery, delivery shall be compensated nor bad. While we were closing the sale price with the buyer of Western and difficult to adjust to their contracts, making the domestic business losses.

Ths lawyer. Nguyen Thi Hong Ngan, representatives of the International Arbitration Centre of Vietnam (VIAC), corporate disputes between Vietnam and foreign partners in the foreign trade increased significantly during the past two years . Since 2008 - 2014, VIAC solved 539 cases, of which 60% related to the purchase agreement. The dispute is not only increasing in number and also increase in value. Vietnam Most companies do not have good preparation for international commercial disputes arising out of lack of understanding of the law. Therefore, taking risks, many companies often accept losing.

Many suggested that the recommendation should Vinacas business, production units should not sell things up early under the crop, should agree on the maximum purchase price, the minimum price. When there is a dispute, it should agree to Singapore is the intermediary to facilitate the movement and at the same time should support Vinacas lawyer for the plant to be brought to trial and force them to compensate ...

Nguyen Hien

Source: Customs

Vinacas to reorganize the import of crude

The last time the emerging phenomenon of cashew processing enterprises compete to raise the price to buy a lot more raw, direct impact to the branch of Vietnam. Thus, at a workshop held today in the City (23-5), had suggested Vinacas given import prices of crude, or hold a clue to avoid import competing enterprises improve prices, causing damage to the industry.

At the seminar by Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) and Joint Stock Company Thanh Nien newspaper and media organizations to discuss solutions for sustainable development of this sector in 2016, one of the issues related businesses mind is how to control branch of Vietnam is the price of crude imports, instead, firms compete with each other to buy raw cashew imports caused the price of crude rose every day as last time.

Dang Hoang Giang, Vice President Vinacas, evaluate than other agricultural commodities, cashew nuts are getting the attention of many businesses due to more profitable than other goods. Thus, according to Vinacas, currently there are about 350 enterprises and more than 1,000 export processing enterprises, including many businesses previously operated in other areas such as export rice, coffee ... but this again jump into the field of.

It is this phenomenon more or less caused to compete to buy raw cashew processing and export should be the case overnight, the price of crude has risen to tens of dollars / ton. This can cause trouble branch of Vietnam if the last months of cashew export prices do not increase, ie the profitability of businesses will be affected, even to a loss.

According to Vinacas, Vietnam currently ranks No. 1 in the world in this sector when the country's largest cashew exporter in the world, as well as importer of crude. With that position, Vietnam needs to control where the purchase price and selling price. However, the situation shows paintings buy paintings sold so far Vietnam has expressed its position.

Therefore, the business proposals early Vinacas considering plans, fixing the import price of crude, so that enterprises based on negotiations with the exporting of crude. Vietnam currently imports each year approximately 500000-700000 tons of crude to meet domestic demand, which supplies mainly from Africa.

In addition, to ensure the common good, Vinacas also suggested that businesses should sit together and choose one or two businesses represented imported crude. This approach will help the industry as it is to buy in bulk, and more importantly, Vietnam will take the initiative in negotiating the purchase price of crude.

Pearl hero

Source: The Saigon Times

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 5, 2016

Trade Ministry to boost cashew production

The Ministry of Trade and Industry says it is collaborating with the private sector to roll out a programme to boost cashew production in the country.

A director at the Trade Department of the Ministry, Kwesi Ofori Antwi, disclosed on 3FM’s BusinessWeekly programme that the move is part of government’s initiatives to make the cashew industry viable in Ghana and West Africa.

“The ministry has been engaging with some stakeholders,” Mr Ofori Antwi said, “from all sectors, based on a proposal we received from the cashew farmers association.”

He said the Ministry is putting in place an inventory system for cashew processors.

“We are setting up a board to regulate pricing and even drafting a cashew policy for the industry. We believe this will promote sanity and enhance productivity,” Mr. Antwi hinted.

He outlined some of the steps that have been taken to ensure the smooth run of the project.

“What the farmers were not happy with was the fluctuations in the pricing and we have engaged them on that.

“The minister was in the Brong Ahafo Region and we are in serious engagements. We have a market for this produce because the farmers produce 70,000 raw cashew nuts and the market demand is 68,000. So, there is market for it,” he emphasised.

The Trade Ministry earlier in the year issued a directive to ban the export of the cash crop, sparking a lot of outcry from farmers and other stakeholders.

Source: http://www.ghanaweb.com/

Country becomes world's largest exporter of cashew nuts

According to a report by BBC, Ivory Coast have overtaken India to make a statement in the cashew nut industry.

Ivory Coast, the world's biggest cocoa exporter has emerged the world's biggest exporter of cashew nuts.According to a report by BBC, Ivory Coast have overtaken India to make a statement in the cashew nut industry.It was further reported that President Alassane Ouattara is aiming higher than the feat and he's said to be working towards having 100% of the nuts processed inside the country by 2020.The move, it was further reported, would mean more jobs and money flowing into the economy.

Source: http://pulse.ng/world/i

Double whammy for cashew processing units

While Centre imposed import duty, domestic consumers increase price of new crop

Cashew processing units, which are reeling under severe crisis after the Centre imposed an import duty of 9.36 per cent, have received yet another setback with the domestic consumers increasing the price of the new crop. The situation has forced about 75-80 per cent of the 1,000-odd units in North Andhra to shutdown their operations.Palasa in Srikakulam is the hub for cashew processing as it has around 600 to 700 units.The per bag price of raw cashew nuts, each bag containing 80 kg, has been raised from the previous year’s Rs.8,200 to Rs.10,000.“This is mostly influenced because of spread of word that imported cashew nut price has gone up,” finance and marketing head of Arle Cashew Pvt. Ltd Madhav Sure told The Hindu on Saturday.The price of imported raw cashew nuts of lower quality per a bag of 80 kg costs around Rs.9,500.This used to be available for Rs.8,500 before levying import duty.Almost 70-80 per cent of cashew kernel requirement is met by sourcing it from Tanzania, Ghana, and other East and West African countries.

Source: http://www.thehindu.com/t

U.S. Tree nut supply to increase by 35% or more in next five years

The U.S. tree nut industry's golden run may be winding down as it prepares to absorb a significant increase in supply in the face of weakening global demand and softer prices, according to a new research report from CoBank. Growers' margins should remain positive through 2017, but operating profitably after that will become increasingly challenging.Fueled by soaring nut prices over the past 15 years, growers worked to fill a seemingly insatiable demand for U.S. nuts, resulting in thousands of acres of newly planted trees that will soon begin bearing nuts. It is estimated that by 2020 as much as an additional 1.2 to 1.3 billion pounds of walnuts, almonds and pistachios could enter the market—up 35 to 38 percent from the 2015 crop."The key question is whether the market can accommodate this projected increase in supply," said Christine Lensing, senior economist with CoBank's Knowledge Exchange Division. "Prices may need to ratchet lower to adjust to the growth in supply, resulting in margin compression for U.S. nut growers."

Over the past few months, nut prices have decreased by nearly 50 percent from the record highs seen in 2013 for walnuts and pistachios and from the 2015 levels of almonds in response to waning demand in developing and traditional markets. Some have argued that the rebalancing of prices was inevitable, if not long overdue, as nuts were starting to price themselves out of the market.The U.S. nut industry faces other challenges as well, including a stronger U.S. dollar, water supply issues, increased global production, and slowdowns in growth in China and other emerging economies which have been key engines of growth for the industry over the last decade.Lensing notes that lower profits for the nut industry could result in a shake-out of growers and as well as the pulling of older, less productive and less profitable orchards in California and elsewhere."Grower profitability will suffer in the short term," said Lensing. "However, we are cautiously optimistic about the U.S. nut industry's longer-term outlook. The recent price corrections should re-invigorate domestic and global demand, and long-term consumption trends remain bright."

For more information, please visit www.cobank.com.

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 5, 2016

Gov’t rolls out programme to boost cashew production

The Ministry of Trade and Industry says it is collaborating with the private sector to roll out a programme to boost cashew production in the country.

A director at the Trade Department of the Ministry, Kwesi Ofori Antwi, disclosed on 3FM’s Business Weekly programme that the move is part of government’s initiatives to make the cashew industry viable in Ghana and West Africa.

“The ministry has been engaging with some stakeholders,” Mr Ofori Antwi said, “from all sectors, based on a proposal we received from the cashew farmers association.”

He said the Ministry is putting in place an inventory system for cashew processors.

“We are setting up a board to regulate pricing and even drafting a cashew policy for the industry. We believe this will promote sanity and enhance productivity,” Mr. Antwi hinted.

He outlined some of the steps that have been taken to ensure the smooth run of the project.

“What the farmers were not happy with was the fluctuations in the pricing and we have engaged them on that.

“The minister was in the Brong Ahafo Region and we are in serious engagements. We have a market for this produce because the farmers produce 70,000 raw cashew nuts and the market demand is 68,000. So, there is market for it,” he emphasised.

The Trade Ministry earlier in the year issued a directive to ban the export of the cash crop, sparking a lot of outcry from farmers and other stakeholders.

Source: http://www.ghanaweb.com/