The recent DCFTA between the EU and Ukraine has given a boost to the Ukrainian agricultural sector as many have now gained an opportunity to increase production so they can become a larger competitor in the global market place."The current political situation with Russia and the Ukraine has meant that many people within the agricultural sector are hard at work to make investments into increasing their production capacity. Growers are looking to various resources to make improvements such as modernising their growing techniques."Many walnut growers in the Ukraine are still small private operations, so most production figures have come in the form of the amounts which are sent out for export. Despite this, the Ukraine is already one of the top 5 walnut producers in the world and has the potential to move up in the list.
According to the USDA Gain report published in August of 2015, it was projected that Ukrainian walnut sector was expected to produce around 102,000 metric tonnes during the 2015/16 marketing year, in keeping with the year before. However, new walnut orchards were developed back in 2009 with commercial farming in mind and with new trees taking between 5-7 years to mature, this should help future production.The walnut harvest begins around late November to early December. Walnuts are stored and sold through to the end of July-August.
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