Benin has
just strengthen the marketing device of cashews. On 6 April, the Cabinet has
announced the introduction of an additional levy of 50 CFA per kilogram of raw
cashew nuts exported. This, regardless of the fee of 10 FCFA provided by law
2017 managing finances. This levy is liquidated at customs before export, said
an official statement. Moreover, he says, "the export of raw cashew nuts
by land [is] prohibited"
For the authorities, it is to correct an
"excess" of competitiveness of the Beninese cashew nuts, lightly
taxed export conversely, the statement of the Cabinet, Africa competing
products of West, including the Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria. "This
competitiveness had become an obstacle to development of the cashew processing
industry in Africa in general and Benin in particular, because of the strong
pressure of the international application", says the statement said
Council of Ministers.
This decision, which the government aims to reduce
the pressure of demand and the strong speculation, is not to the liking of the
opinion that denounces an unconstitutional decision. Traders brought an action
to invalidate an extent contrary to the provisions of Beninese law and
Community agreements.
Indeed, under Articles 96 and 98 of the Beninese
Constitution of 11 December 1990, the prerogative to set taxes or customs levy
remains the exclusive competence of the National Assembly. "The base,
rates and charges for covering the terms of any kind," says the text.
Moreover, overland export ban announced by Cotonou
is contrary to the spirit of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa
(UEMOA), the Treaty in Article 4, said that the organization aims creating
between member states, "a common market based on the free movement of
persons, goods, services, capital and the right of establishment of
self-employed persons and employed, as well as a common external tariff and a
common trade policy. "
This is in addition to a system in place since the
beginning of the year to organize and control the sector of cashew, second cash
crop after cotton. Indeed, a joint decree of the Minister of Industry, Trade
and Handicrafts and the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries fixed
bank deposits of 5 million FCFA for domestic marketing of nuts cashew and 20
million for export of the product.
To these drastic measures, adds this new tax
intended for export to officially encourage local processing (which has drawn a
premium tax of 10 CFA francs per kilo) but which may have important
implications this marketing cashew campaign which started on March 3 and end on
October 31 with a buy floor producer price fixed at FCFA 500 per kg against 300
CFA per kg in the previous campaign. This sensible price increase production of
120 000 to 300 000 tonnes within 5 years is more competitive than FCFA 440 per
kilo set by Ivory Coast.
Cashew nuts from Benin and Ghana traded at $ 2,000 a
tonne in Asian markets such as Vietnam, the world's Transformer product ahead
of India and Brazil.
West Africa produces 1 700,000 tons divided between the
Ivory Coast, the largest producer with 750 000 tonnes in 2016, or 47%), Guinea
Bissau (225 000 tonnes, 14%), Nigeria (160 000 tonnes, 10% of production) and
Benin (125 0000 tons, 8% of production). To note a lack of consultation between
most African countries do not apply the same charges and the same floor price
and the same standards. A third of the crops would be fed by underground
networks and through neighboring countries, which represents a huge loss to the
The main consumers of cashew nuts (not to be
confused with the processors) are India (200,000 t), the US (150,000 t), the
European Union (110,000 t), China (50,000 t) the United Arab Emirates (15,000
tons) and Australia (15,000 t).
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