Starting on 31.12.2015, the ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC) takes effect. ASEAN has officially become a single
economic community with a population of over 620 million people.
The launch of the AEC is the
result of 13 years of construction and preparation since the first idea about
common economic community for Southeast Asia was proposed in 2002. The road
towards AEC capital formation is not easy and after 2015, the gradual
realization of this single economic block will also innumerable difficulties.
To understand the challenges that
Vietnam and adjacent AEC should pass on new integration roadmap, Vietnam News
Agency reporter interviewed Associate Professor Nguyen Hoang Anh-doctoral,
Deputy Director of Institute of Economics and International Trade , Foreign
Trade University.
- How do you evaluate the
timing AEC Community entered into force on 12.31.2015?
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: Late 2015 is really a good opportunity. Considering toward Vietnam,
most of the year ending in the number 5 are in there are great opportunities,
the opportunities for the country, such as the 1945, 1975, 1995 and recently in
Vietnam never again had a
brilliant time so in the integration process. This year alone we have signed
several major trade agreements, opening the way for Vietnam to integrate and
improve its position in the international arena.
- In the course of preparation
for the advent of the AEC, the distance between the member states most clearly
is the problem? These gaps hindered how the process of integration to the AEC?
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: AEC divided into two groups, group AEC 6 is the first moves and
positions of economic development far beyond the rest, except for Thailand
recently met some difficult. The other group includes Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia
and Myanmar are lagging bloc.
In AEC integration process, we
also face other barriers. For example, in recent times, the trade deficit of
Vietnam increased, while public debt has also increased ground for Vietnam's education
compared to other countries in the region even worse.
Besides, the labor productivity
of Vietnam is also less than other countries in the region.
The statistics shows that it
takes 50 years, labor productivity in Singapore's new Vietnam. Labor
productivity means less labor costs per unit of product will increase and make
our goods become less competitive compared to goods from other countries.
- Vietnam is among the economies
of less developed ASEAN CLMV group of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar. When
AEC integration, this group will have the opportunity and the challenges
encountered what?
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: There are view that "the wind should not weak" but I
think the opposite, weak must the wind, have seen a new wave sound both rowers.
If we continue the process of labor protection as before, businesses will lose
the opportunity to experience, not facing the ordeal will never be able to
The first integration with ASEAN
is also good preparation for us before entering the larger playing field as the
TPP effect as compared to the participants in the TPP, the difference between
the member countries of ASEAN not much.
And the challenge is very clear.
We are a trade deficit with ASEAN. If we do not take the decision immediately,
then in 2016, the deficit will be even higher.
- She commented how about the
preparation and commitment of Vietnam in recent years for the introduction of
the AEC?
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: In terms of the policy, the State has undertaken a positive way.
The agency first has to reform its customs is because it is the first gateway
to prove the integration of Vietnam into the AEC. Customs service has gradually
simplified customs procedures and provides a roadmap of integration in each
Just go to Google type the
opportunities and challenges, we will find millions of results immediately. On
all fronts, the government will actively promote the work of preparing for the
- Prospects for economic,
trade and investment in Vietnam as well as the regional economy as effective
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: We all know that effective AEC how depends on the level of active
participation of the countries. So far, ASEAN is a mass political success
rather than economic success.
In the current context, the
countries in the region are not in a favorable phase of the economic, so we do
not dare to affirm the positive outlook of the AEC.
However, we can see that when
governments agreed to go to this decision, even speeding up the establishment
of the AEC, we can expect that governments will actively conduct deeper
integration for the region.
- Based on an assessment of
relative industries and exports in the AEC, according to her, the public sector
in Vietnam will be the most competitive?
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: One of the sensitive sectors, affecting the lives and incomes of a
large segment of the population, which is agriculture.
Vietnam's agricultural products
both less on labor productivity, the quality is uneven and bring many notorious
for ensuring food safety.
Meanwhile, the Thai partners have
developed agriculture. Thai agricultural products such as rice, meat,
vegetables standards, is the world accepted.
- The government has prepared
for the AEC integration, but many businesses still do not understand Vietnam
and not take the initiative to adapt to joining the regional economic
communities. How do you evaluate this issue?
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: A research institute in Singapore have conducted a survey on the
preparation for the AEC of the participating countries and the number they give
very startled. That's nearly 79% of businesses do not know AEC Vietnam is
nothing as of early 2014.
However, according to his
experience as an economist Vo Tri Thanh, Vietnam now often wait for new
countries to foot jump but jumps at the high jump. Thus, after a period of
initial shock and loss, these are truly enterprise capacity will rise, while
the latecomers will now doomed to be eliminated.
- After the official AEC
implementation, quick tax cuts will make goods from ASEAN countries with high
similarities to Vietnam will overflow into the local market. Vietnam
enterprises need to do to increase competitiveness with rivals in the region?
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen
Hoang Anh-: The following points that Vietnamese enterprises should be noted.
The first point is about the ad. Vietnam ads often lengthy and unfocused and
not suggestive. Before they went to buy, to remind consumers desire, attention,
The second point is the packaging
and labeling, in Vietnam has less investment firm for packaging and labeling.
Goods of Vietnam for the content might not inferior goods China or other
countries in the region, but on the packaging, design is always lost.
The third is that businesses need
to focus on customer care service around. Vietnam enterprises when starting a
business if done these three things, they will be able to build trust with
consumers, then have the opportunity to keep his position on the ground before
reaching the area.
- Thank you. /.
Trang Nhung
Source: Vietnam + / VNA
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