California almond acreage
increased 7 percent during 2016, according to a report issued last week by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The USDA National Agricultural
Statistics Service estimated total almond acres for the year at 1.24 million,
compared to 1.16 million in 2015. Bearing acres, up 2 percent from 2015,
totaled 940,000. An estimated 300,000 acres are non-bearing.
The acreage growth follows a
20-year trend in which California almond acreage has doubled, as farmers
responded to increasing global demand for the crop.
The Yolo County Crop Report for
2015 — the latest available — reported there were 21,108 harvested acres in the
county for 2015, delivering 20.1 tons at a value of $4,423 per ton for $89.3
million. That compared with 2014, when there was 19,891 harvested acres,
delivering 19.9 tons at a value of $5,400 a ton for $107.4 million. That was
1,217 acres more in 2015 than 2014.
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