The National Nuts Bureau has
estimated the total production of almonds in the campaign that is now starting
at 57,753 tons; an increase of 26% compared to last season.
According to the Bureau, this
2017 almond season will be characterised by an increase in the production that
is due to the expansion of the acreage devoted to almonds in the main producing
regions and the entry into production of these new plantations.
The National Bureau of Nuts
pointed out that there has also been a methodological review of the area
accounted for in areas such as Andalusia, which has had a great impact on the
overall estimation.
The Bureau has warned that the
weather that Spain has suffered since mid-February, marked by scarce rainfall
and some significant frosts, could lead to a decrease in this estimate;
however, they have assured that the quality and size of the almonds "will
be high." In any case, the final production will depend on the rainfall or
inclement weather recorded during this spring.
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